stranger in my home

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When I got home , I laid on the couch . I was so stressed out. Where would I get a job ? Most required a lot of experience which I didn't have .
Turning on the tv , hoping for some kind of entertainment to keep me distracted.
I had one option ,which was the strip club a few blocks away in the red district of downtown .

I am aware my son will not like the idea of it but it's worth the try.
Besides it's for his own good .I had bills to pay , water bills, electricity, food, insurance bills .So much .
At times I wished I would live on a farm , away from the city. These expenses would have been reduced.Darren wouldn't love living on a farmhouse. He's away with livestock.
I looked out the window. The garden was flourishing. Pure green was all I could see .
Seems Darren has been watering the garden
That garden was initially supposed to be a pool area.My mom was more into farming and so she had it turned to a garden and not a pool .
I cooked some minced meat with spaghetti.
Darren I
in , he had company. He looked startled when he saw me .

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