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" He didn't come for me .His kids enrolled into our school.He didn't even notice who I was. " He said sadly.
I held his hand .
" You have me , I notice you every single day of my life " I said.

" Thanks a lot mom," he replied, squeezing my hand gently.

I know ,it wasn't the right moment to bring it up, but I had to.
" I lost my job , currently unemployed," I said .

He gawked at me plainly.
" No worries , I have checked a few application offers to work at the red district downtown" I added .
He dropped his spoon .
" I can't have my momma working as a stripper . " He said.

" We have bills to pay, you need fees. We have to pay for all of this. I have to make a living Darren " I remarked .
Hes too young to grasp what am saying.
" I don't care about my fees and bills.I care about you. Your dignity matters ma, I can't imagine you dancing around a pole for money . Those men will be treating you badly . You are all I have. " He said .

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