Chapter 24: My world is crumbling

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Chapter written by faridah

My feets suddenly couldn't hold my weight anymore, my legs where quivering and staring at the angry students behind me made me slumped.

My ears where blaring fire, I couldn't say a word. My lips where wobbling trying to mutter words that never came out, tears blinded my vision and I wish I would just die.

Shouts and screams rented my ears, the air was already corrupt and some angry students where busy laying curses on me, whilst others where accusing me of murder.

Well, if it's not murder then it's what?

"It was an ancident." My hoarse voice replied. The principal smashed his fist on the table, shooting balls my way.

Nathan, Bethel, Mark and I were defending ourselves in the principal's office. Earlier on while I was wishing death to happen to me the head teacher grabbed me and told the others to follow suit and now we are facing a cruel interrogation.

"The last time I called you guys here was when Annabel died and now not only two of you are missing, three are dead. Now how do you explain that!" He spat out, the whole aggressiveness showing on his face.

My head was bent to the floor, I couldn't even take a sniff talk much of move my body. I was dead afraid, the conniption that gripped me when Xavier hit his head on the stone still had its effects on me.

Why didn't I leave, why do I have a problem with avoiding trouble. I should have left, I shouldn't have involved myself. Bethel was there, Mark was there and only I wanted the fight to end.. what happened to the promise I made! I promised never to indulge myself in any fight, verbally, physically. I promised never to push and grab anybody but how could I have known all, how could I have known.

"Clarissa!" The principal's angry voice brought me back to the mundane world. I sprain my face to look at him for the first time.

"Why are you the one always affected by all these, why are you always in the middle of all the deaths, why not someone else? Are you cursed?" He bellowed. His voice suddenly becoming soft or was it me finding them soft.

"Nathan, you started all these."

"Sir, he punched me first." Nathan defended immediately and the principal let out a dark chuckle.

"Who is dead now?"

We weren't finding that funny. We caused the fight, yes but that doesn't mean we ain't mourning. Can he just give us a moment.

I turn my head to look at the others and the state I saw Mark in wasn't a good sight to look at.

Over the days Mark have been really close to Xavier, I can attest to that. When the idea of eliminating the game kicked in it brought them really close that I was sure I have loosed him to Xavier. That explains everything, seeing him in a broken state, tears streaming down his face in heavy liquids, his lips quivering, threatening to tear off.

It was a really horrible sight. I can't remember the last time I saw him cry. He was practically hiding it and I know how that feels like. Your body will be burning in the highest ratio, your throat will be dry and hot as hell, your conscience won't stop judging you and your heart will be shattered.

I know all these because that's how I feel right now.

"I'm sorry if this is all I can do, an alarm has been raised and the police will be here soon." The principal dropped the bomb and we all had our heart in our throats, we where literally dropping to our knees when the door opened and it was the police.

They took ma and Nathan into a van and drove off the school premises. As the van galloped away I could still see the weak smile of Bethel assuring me that all will be okay.

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