Don't mess with love!

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Gaz's p.o.v

After the bell rang I sat on the wall with my brother.When I just got sat down I heard my name getting called out three times like this GAZ,GAZ,GAZ! I looked around it was Zim.I ran over to him and I said "It's good to see you again."Zim then said "It's good to see you again as well."We then held hands and then we walked over to the stairs and sat down together.I saw my brother walking over to us.I hoped he was only going to try and make friends with Zim.But boy wasn't I wrong.He then went up to Zim and said "hey alien boy get away from my sister now!" I said to my brother "go away Dib."Dib then shouted "DON'T YOU GET IT GAZ HE'S AN ALIEN!"Zim then pushed Dib and he shouted back "don't you dare say anything to your pretty sister!" I started blushing.Then Dib got back up and started hitting Zim.I pushed Dib off Zim.I started to shout at Dib saying "YOU CAN HURT ME BUT DON'T YOU DARE HURT ZIM!" Dib knew I can hit harder than him.So he backed off,Zim still hadn't got up so I picked up Zim and put him back on his feet.But he wouldn't move and just fell back down.I was so worried about him so I picked him up bridal style and took him back of the shed where it was quite and no one there.I started crying.I then said "please get up."After he got back up.He then said softly "hey stop crying,i'm ok." I stopped crying,we went quite for a few seconds then I broke the silence by saying "Zim,will you promise me something?"Zim replayed "anything for you."I then said softly "please don't worry me like that again."He said "I'll try but for now I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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