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miracle-hey im checking in, how is he?

felix-fine as usual

he said looked down to rome falling to sleep

miracle-fine? what's he doing

felix-lying on my lap holding a little giraffe toy and a teething ring

the call fell silent

felix-you can't fuck off every night you know. ive basically cradled the kid for a week miracle. your his mom, i even quit my job

miracle-well that was a stupid idea becuase now we dont have money

felix-no you dont have money, i do. we aren't together

miracle-stop being so arrogant

felix-well then stop ditching our kid. maybe he wouldn't cry so much when you touched him if you were actually here to bond with him

miracle-your joking right felix

he said calmly still rubbing your temple and looking down at rome chewing the ring

you looked up at him while his eyes glanced over to you

felix-you ok?
he whispered to you noticing your fave had gone pale

you replied snuggling closer to him

miracle-who are you talking too

felix-my ex, who left me becuase you dumped a kid on me


felix-the girl i said i was in love with, yeah im talking to her

miracle-and our kid is around

felix-well obviously miracle, your not here to keep him out the situation are you. looks like he likes her better, he laughs and doesnt cry

miracle-i'll be back for 9 be home

felix-i might be i might not be, depends how my night goes

miracle-get ur job back, i'll take care of him in the day i promise

felix-then what? dump him on me as soon as im back and leave again? i dont think so have a good date

he ended the call sliding his phone onto the table beside yours before seeing rome asleep on his lap

felix-do you have anything i can put him in while he sleeps?

you-i dont, im sorry

felix-dont worry, i'll put him in his car seat
he said getting up holding rome in his arms

you-you cant leave him in the car

he chuckled sliding rome into your arms
felix-you can take it out you know

you said feeling stupid

felix left and came back seconds later carrying the car seat

you slid him into it buckling him in as felix sank back into the couch beside you rocking the carseat with his leg

you lay against him running your hand up and down his thigh

you-this is cute

felix-hm, what is?

you-us and him
you said as felix's hand slid onto the side of your ass/thigh

you-could i have my ring back

felix-thought we were over

you-i dont want us to be
you said looking up to him before he reached into his pocket pulling the ring out

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