chapter 48

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"Uhm, I'm sorry but- isn't this the second time Jungkook hasn't shown up for class mister Park?" One of Jimin's female boxing students said as she sassily came up to him with her hands on her hips. "You told us that if we missed even just one class we'd get kicked out of the team."

Jimin parted his lips to speak, but the words he could use to defend Jungkook were lost to him. He had said he would kick out anyone who missed a class, and he meant every word of that. Jimin didn't want his students to think he was playing favoritism... but there was simply no way he could kick Jungkook out.

"Did Jungkook threaten you after all? I thought we were all supposed to treat him like a regular guy?" Another one of Jimin's student said when Jimin stood tongue-tied.

"See? Even he cant stand up to Jungkook..."

"Some boxing trainer we have..."

"Hey everyone, Jungkook isn't getting special treatment alright?" Yeonjun suddenly spoke up, coming to Jimin's rescue. "His mother is sick so he's staying home to look after her. Now stop whining about Jungkook Walton and listen to our teacher before he chooses you to replace our boxing bag."

Jimin fluttered his eyes, shocked to see that much assertiveness come from a boy who could barely talk to him two months ago.

"Y-yeah," he said softly, barely recognizing his own voice when he spoke. "Shut up and show me your kicks."


After class, Jimin cleaned up the gym with Yeonjun as usual, but his mind was miles away.

Obviously Jungkook's mother was not in fact sick. And he hadn't given Jimin a reason for his absence today, quite like last week. Their contact had been meager, and when they did see each other in private, it was usually just for a quick kiss or to whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears.

Jimin did not know how he was supposed to feel about that.

If he had to be grateful for the little moments Jungkook and him did have, or if he was right to long for more.

Jimin couldn't deny that being with Jungkook made him feel more alive than anything, but there was always bitterness after Jungkook's sweetness, and the pain of being set aside all the time was starting to grow stronger than the pleasure.


Jimin perked up and stopped rolling up the last mat. He already knew what Yeonjun was going to say. The boy was going to ask him about Jungkook. About why he just had to lie to his friends for a man he pretty much hated, and he would be justified if he was mad.

Jimin turned to Yeonjun, but for some reason he couldn't pick up his head and look the boy in the eye.

"I kind of uhm... wanted to ask if maybe you uhm..."

Jimin swallowed thickly.

"If you wanted to go see a movie with me... on friday?"

Jimin's head snapped up and his eyes shot wide. "What?"

"I mean... j-just as friends of course. Unless..." Yeonjun caught his lower lip between his teeth and quickly shook his head. "Well, there's just a new movie that seems kinda fun and... you look like you could use something fun."

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