Happy Mother's Day!

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(8 year old)

Me: [Sleeping peacefully until I felt someone shaking me gently. Open one eye] "Daddy?" Daddy: "Today is mother's day. How would you like to help me with making breakfast for mommy?" Me: [sit up, rubbing her eyes and eyes widen brightly] "Yay! Food for mommy!" [Daddy shoo me and tell me to whisper] "Food for mommy. [whisper then got off the bed, ran to the open frame, and stop waiting for daddy] Come on daddy. Food for mommy." Daddy: [chuckle] "I'm coming, I'm coming sweetheart." He walked toward me and took hold of my hand then we walked to the kitchen. Daddy pulled out a stool for me, help me on it, and got out ingredients. Me: "What we making Daddy?" Daddy: "Pancakes with yummy fruits and a cupcake that I got yesterday." Me: "Silly, morning cupcake [giggles a little then looked at the clock] Daddy, it's 4:48 am. Why early?" Daddy: "We want the food to nice, warm, and yummy for mommy. Plus, we have a big day today. You still remember the plan, right?" I nodded. My daddy added the ingredients and I helped add more and stir it.

He asked me to grab some fruits that look delicious and that are mommy's favorites. I got off the stool with Daddy's help and grab some fruits for daddy to chop up while my daddy poured the mixer into the pan. I hum a song while helping daddy make breakfast. It was now 5:56 am, we finished mommy's breakfast, and now we were going to wake her up. I ran up to my parent's room, jump on their bed, and yelled out "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!" Mommy jump in fright but calmed down when she realized it was just me. Mommy: "Baby! [laughed] Come here." I jump into her arm and gave her a big hug. Daddy: "Happy Mother's Day Millie! Our little Melody helped me with breakfast." Mommy: "That makes me very happy. Thanks, babe and my little Muffin." Daddy placed her breakfast on her lap and she ate it all. Me: [threw my hands up] "We have big plan mommy!" Mommy: "And what is this big plan you and daddy have for me?" Daddy: "If we told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

Mommy: "Yeah yeah. [lean in to kiss daddy and he did the same] Love ya." Me: [got off the bed and ran out the room] "Be back! Gift for mommy!" I got my drawing out, ran toward my parent's room again, and jump on their bed with them. Me: [showed the drawing] "It's us! Happy Mother's Day!" Mommy: "I love it pumpkin! [hug me and grab the drawing for a closer look.] Awww! there bloody." Daddy: "But...why is there a cat? We don't have a cat." Me: [look down shyly] It's for when we have a cat one day. Bloody is with Papa and Mama...I have no friends." They frown and hug me tight. Daddy and Mommy: "One day sweetheart...one day." Throughout the whole day for Mother's Day, we took her to the park for a picnic, watched a movie, ate at a restaurant, and I and Daddy got her more gifts. We also talked with Mama and Papa on the phone to say "Happy Mother's Day." We took a lot of pictures and soon making breakfast became a tradition for my dad and me.

(Present day)
I woke up early to start helping my dad make breakfast for mom. Throughout the year, we cooked and baked a lot of different breakfasts for this special day every year. Once it was done, we waited for my mom to wake up. We heard footsteps, she saw us with a big breakfast plate just for her with a bouquet. She tears up, sniffled, and ran to us to hug us. Mom: "Thank you! thank you!!" Dad: "Anything for the mother of our child." Me: "We had to show our appreciation for you mom. we love you." Mom: "I love you both too." Dad: "Let's enjoy our breakfast before it gets cold." We ate our breakfast, we also made a special fish for Bass and he immediately finished the whole thing. We laugh and continue eating. Once we were finished, we got dressed and got ready to go out with Bass on a leash.

But when my dad opens the door, Blitz was about to knock on our door, with Loona standing next to him, and my dad doesn't look pleased. "What are you doing here, sir?" Blitz: "What does it look like? Spending time with my family!" Dad: "We are trying to have a nice, peaceful, joyful Mother's Day with Millie." Blitz: "We're here to join the fun of course. Now, let's go!" He ran to the van, and my dad growled and shake in anger while my mom try to calm him down. Loona: [lean close to me] "He doesn't look too happy right now." Me: "We had everything planned out for today, but he came and ruin it." Loona: "I told him this was a bad idea." Me: "It's no surprise that he doesn't listen." Blitz: [honk his horn] "Move your damn ass! We got a schedule to keep!!" My dad grabs his hair and starts pulling it, my mom kisses his forehead and runs hugs back whispering sweets thoughts. Loona and Me: "I'm gonna kill that fool one day."

We got in the van, Blitz drove us to a theater that lets animals in, and we went in and watch The Secret Life of Pets. Next, he took us to a park for a picnic that he had already stuffed and set up the food. Even toys for Bass. We spend our time at the park for three hours. Loona and I took Bass for walks, feed some street animals, and ate food. She told me jokes and showed me some posts. After that, he took us shopping. Blitz told my mom to look around while we go buy stuff that we need. She nods and then walks away. Blitz: [whisper] Alright gang. To find a present for Millie and it better be good. Today is Mother's Day. Now, Go!" My dad and I look at each other, smile then nods. I grab Bass in my arms. Loona, Blitz, Me, and my Dad went our separate ways. I went to a store that my mom would love and want, but the thing is she has almost all of them.

Bass meowed and patted me, I look down and see him getting out of my arms and running in a direction. I followed him and saw exactly what I was looking for. Me: [eyes turn into stars] Bass! you're a genius! [pick him up and hug him tightly] "I love you!" I paid for my mom's gift and have it wrapped, ran back to where we were and I see everyone waiting for me. Mom: "What's all this? Can I open it?" Blitz: "Not yet! We still have a lot to do." We went back to the van and he didn't take us somewhere, only drove around the city. It was actually peaceful. We saw that it was turning nighttime soon, Blitz then turn into a fancy/not too fancy restaurant. We just walked in without any problem, we were all confused, but somehow we knew there was a reason he was doing all of this. Dad: "Sir? What is going on? and why didn't they stop us? We never made any reservations, especially today." Loona: "Plus, you're walking around like you own this place. What gives?"

Me: "You are sort of scaring me and why did they let Bass in?" Mom: "Blitz, all of this is sweet, but we want details now." We followed him to a reservation place. We sat down and waited for his answer. Blitz: "I know I can be outgoing, but today is a special day, she gave me a beautiful niece and I wanted to thank her. SO, I thought a family outing and remake of Mother's day when you were eight years old n/n. I called this place yesterday and paid whole shit of cash, for Bass to be able to be here." I knew this bought back memories, but I didn't know it.

Dad: "Wait? You spied on us?" Mom: "You didn't have to do that. [look at me and dad] You two have to stop making this a big deal and let's enjoy today like any other day." Dad: "but dear! we need to celebrate a day for all your hard work." Me: "There's a reason why there's a Mother's Day and Father's Day. We wanted to make it big." Mom: "Every day is Mother's Day for me. It started from the very moment you pop out and cried." I smile softly and my dad looks like he wanted to cry. Loona was taking a video and pictures of our little moment. Blitz: "Present time! [took out his] "I thought you might want one for work." Loona: "I didn't know what you want or like, but I think you might like this." Dad: "I pay attention to what you want my dear." Me: "Bass deserves the credit." He meowed and purred. My mom open the present and cried with happiness. Blitz got my mom a metal bat, Loona got her a new black choker with new earnings, Dad got a new beautiful dress, and Bass and I got my mom a chainsaw.

My mom's eyes widen when she saw the chainsaw, lips quivered, eyes watered, and cried while hugging me and Bass tightly. "I love it! My babies!! [cries of joy] I always wanted this!!!" Loona: "We're in a restaurant. Calm down." Blitz: "Let's enjoy this fine night." We ordered our food, and desserts, after we finished, Blitz drove us home. We helped my mom put the gifts in the house. Loona hugged me and we took a selfie with Bass. He wanted to get away, but we still got in the picture. Blitz and Loona went home. Dad: "What a day." Me: "I didn't think he had it in him to do something like that.....again." Mom: "You learn something every day, but even if it wasn't what you plan...I still had a great Mother's Day. [chuckle] Every day is Mother's Day for me." She hugs us. My dad and mom kissed my forehead while Bass jump up on top of my head and purred. I smile.

(Hey! I wanted to apologize for not publishing this special chapter on Mother's Day. I've been busy with my full-time job as a preschool teacher in a child care center. It's not easy as people might think, but the smiles. joyful laughs and hugs are worth it. I also wanted to say I notice readers commenting for more chapters and I'm delighted that you guys love my stories very much, but please keep in mind I might be tired or busy or taking a break, etc. I know I'm updating slowly and don't mean to, but I'm trying my best. Without you guys, my stories wouldn't have life, I make my stories for you to enjoy and imagine what it would be like in them. One more thing, You'll see Striker very soon. ;3

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