Healing dad

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Week 1- Monday
My dad is finally home and we couldn't be any happier. We tried to make my dad comfortable as best we can. My dad wasn't picky and made things easier on us than on himself. We would do fun stuff, for example, we still have a movie night, game night, and art. We would take turns helping do art. Everything is going very well and now it has been one week and things are...about to get a bit unreal or crazy as the week went on. As usual, I went to school, go home to take care of my dad, do homework, and rest. This week was very peaceful and relaxing, but I and Bass have a feeling we'll be getting.... guests.

Week 2- Tuesday
It was a normal day when all of the sudden. We heard a knock, I went to open the door when it slam wide open hitting me and trapping me. (https://i.gifer.com/CTFc.gif) "Heyy! What up fam!?!" I close the door and look at Blitz with a glare. 'You will die.' Mom happily talks to our boss, and Loona stands behind Blitz only paying attention to her phone. "What are you two doing here?" I ask. "To see your father of course! He's my employee, plus we need him back on the job. So, we're here to help heal him." "You couldn't give us more than one week to have family time with him, sir?" He shook his head no. I rolled my eyes, 'Oh fucks.', look at Loona "He's taking this opportunity to bully my dad."

"Yup." "I'm gonna kill him." "I'll help." "Fuck ya." "We got it in the bag." Loon a smirk then we fist bump. "Y/n, Loona come see Moxxie." "Coming mom." "I'm curious, How's he been doing?" "Getting better." We got to my parent's room, walk-in and see Bass snuggle up with my dad. "Hi honey, we have guests, who are here to see you, Blitz and Loona." Bass jumps up and hisses at Blitz causing him to hide behind me and Loona. "Down boy. It's okay." My dad calm Bass and petted him softly. I look at Blitz with a half-smug half-smirk. "Scared of a little cat~ I know what he did to you when he was with at your care and I know he was protecting us at the hospital from you." Loona covers her mouth from laughing and Blitz back up farther and looks at me with shock. "WHAT!?!" My dad was in shock.

I sigh. "Okay. Let's calm ourselves, please. No horsing around sir and no bad mouth. Be nice to my dad." "Fine! I'll behave." Blitz ruffle my hair. I rolled my eyes and fix my hair. Loona and Blitz behave, especially because Bass was standing on guard, Blitz is also scared of him. It was afternoon, and my mom went to the kitchen to make lunch for us with my help. Loona and Blitz are with my dad, Bass never left my dad's side, still protecting him from Blitz. "Mom.....dad will heal soon right? He's here, but it's also like he isn't here.....I don't think it makes sense, but you get what I'm trying to say,...right?" "I do hon....this isn't the same, but things will get better." She ruffles my hair and walks to my room, following her with a tray of food.

We passed out the lunches and my mom help my dad eat. Everything is peaceful and for the first time, Blitz hasn't said anything means to my dad. "So, how has school been for ya?" "School is fine." "Have your grade gone up yet sweetheart?" "Dad, would you worry about yourself instead of me?.....and yes......one grade up," I said nervously. My parents look at each other then at me and smile. I look at them confused. "You're not mad?" "At least you're at the right start and you're trying your best." My dad said. Bass looks at me while eating happily. After lunch, Loona and I went into my room to play video games. "So, have been bullied?" I chuckle. "Nope, you should've seen her face when she realized that she couldn't lay a finger on me and that goes for her gang." "No way!" She laughed.

During the day, we just talked, played games, and hang out. It was now nighttime, and Loona and Blitz went back home. My mom and I changed into our pajamas and then checked on my dad. "Hey, dad!" "Hey hon, how are you feeling?" "I feel fine. What more important to me is to have both of you here with me." I hug my dad gently goodnight, Bass lick him, and my mom kissed him on his lips. We went to sleep.

Week 3- Wednesday
This week I went to school and my mom was at work so she couldn't stay with my dad, but left food and other stuff for him. Beatrix and her gang still kept their deal, and never bullied me, I'm very grateful to Loona for helping me out and facing them. I'm in my P.E class waiting for the bell to ring and to go home. Today, our coach wants to see how strong we are and how much we could carry, I'm so gonna fail, so she decides to have us do a wrestling match. I sigh, but shrug my shoulder and prepared myself. First, we had to do some weight lifting. 'I god dam fucking hate this. They're only doing this to see me fail and laugh at me.' I thought. Still, I didn't want to listen to them or think about it. My only concern is my father.

When P.E finally ended, I ran to get change and ran home. Only to stop from a honk, I see to my left and see Blitz waving at me with a big smile. I was worried about my father so I wasn't frustrated or annoyed and got in the van. "How was school today?" "Good, can we go home now?" "Why are you such in a hurry?" "Is mom at the office?" "Yes, but she's almost done." Blitz start his van and drove me home. "To answer your questions, school was fine and dad is home alone with no help at all. I'm worried about him." "He has Bass. That cat is scary when it's mad." "Bass is great, but I'm scared if something happens to him. Bass is just a cat" "He's not just any cat trust me." I giggles. "I trust you. I remember you being so scared when you bought him home." Blitz rolled his eyes. "Bass is something." I nod.

"We're here." "Thanks, sir." "You can always call me uncle." "Bye!" I got out of the van, close the door, and ran into the house. "I'm home!" "Welcome home honey!" I ran to my parent's room and see my dad happily eating junk food with bags of chips and candies. "How was-" "School was good....why is there-" "I forgot how junk foods taste." "Bass got them for you?" My dad nod happily and I chuckle. Bass jumps on my shoulder and runs his head against my cheek.

"Wait....how did you get here so fast?" "The boss drop me off and told me mom is almost done with work." He nods and hands me a bag of chips and I set my stuff down, got the bed next to my dad, and watch a movie with him. Bass sat in the middle and took a bite of a chip watching the movie with us. Few minutes, my mom walk in and saw us. She laughs, smiled sit with us, and took bites of chips. We enjoyed our company, laughs at our jokes, talk about our day, and took a family pictures.

Week 4-Thursday
My school ended early today because there were some electrical issues. I walk home and I could feel Beatrix and her gang glaring at me, but I smirk without looking at him. When I got home, Bass ran up to me and run his body against my legs. I smile and pet his head. "Hi, Bass. How was dad?" Bass walks toward my parent's room but stops then look at me. "Do you want me to follow you?" He nods and walks again. I follow him and see my mom help my dad stand up and walk, as much as he can, I stood there in shock and happiness. "Dad! you're doing it!" I went and hug him. "You came just in time. I wanted to surprise you and I can feel my bone healing." "Not fully, but he's getting there." "That's awesome news mom and dad!" I hug them.

Week 5- Friday
I'm in my music class, my teacher wants us to create an instrumental on the computer. I'm not really good with computers, but whatever and try my best. I start to wonder how my dad is doing, my mom is working again and he's alone. The teacher goes around and tries to help all students with the project. It was now P.E and we started our wrestling match. It was half and half, team dark Haze and team violet, boys vs girls. I went first against Oral and lost, the girls were mad, but I raise my middle finger and mouth 'Go fuck yourselves' at them. They look at me with shock, I secretly smirk a little and stick out my tongue at them. Beatrix growled but did nothing and I felt proud of myself like I had never before. Class ended and walk home.

"Bubble! come on!! let go!!" "Sir?" I got in. "Is mom still at work?" "You need to stop worrying about every little thing honeybun." "Stop with the silly nicknames." "You used to love them." "I'm not a child." "Then prove it." "What? What do you mean?" "You don't want to be treated as a child, but you're just 15 and you still kinda act like a child." I rolled my eyes, not wanting to hear him anymore, and wonder how dad doing. We got home, I walk in and see my dad walking normally carrying dinner to the table with my mom and Bass following him. Loona was in the living room on her phone, Blitz walk in and close the door. "Let's eat!" "I don't know how you convince me to let you two stay for the night." I smile and laugh. "Let them, dad." "I made yours and Millie's favorites." We ate dinner, hang out a bit, and went to sleep. Loona slept in my room and Blitz in the living room.

Week 6- Saturday
We went to the doctor for his check-up. We saw the same Doc T. He did the check-up and is very impressed with how well my dad is doing and how well his bones are healing. "Everything looks well. To be honest, I thought it would take 8 weeks for your bones to heal, but it seems they'll heal so damn fast." "I choose a strong man." "Do I have strong bones too?" "That could be the case." I raise my two fists and cheered while my parents laugh at my reaction. "Make sure it doesn't happen again and take care." My parents nod, I stay a bit wanting to ask about Nani, and walk to the Doctor. "So, how Nani?" "Who?' "You know who and I saw you guys together." "Oh...she's fine." "Fine?" The door opened and it revealed Nani. "Babe! you forgot your lu-" I smirk at both of them. "I got my answer and I got to go, bye!" I close the door behind me.

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