The Harvest Moon Festival/Striker Trailer

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Wrath Ring/ Rough N Tumbleweed Ranch

The I.M.P. van pulls up in front of two Imps. Y/n: "Mama! Papa!" She gets out of the van and happily runs toward her grandparents. Her grandfather hugs her and spins her around before placing her down. Joe: "Yeeeee-hawwww! How's my deadly little apple spice doing?" Ruffles Y/n's hair affectionately. Y/n: "I'm good, Pa!" Millie: "Thanks for lettin' us stay here for the harvest jamboree Ma." Lin: "It's no trouble. We know you arent making as much anymore since yall went freelance."

Millie: "Freelance pays fine, Ma! Were doin' fiiiiine! [Serious] It fine." Walks over to Moxxie, who is struggling to carry luggage. "Anyway, yall remember my husband Moxxie?" She shoves a nervous Moxxie in front of her parents. They stare at him in disapproval. As Y/n got tackled down and attack by licks. She looks up, sees her dog Bloody, and hugs her tightly.

Moxxie: "Greetings, Lin! Joe! How have you been, uh, with all the flaming twisters and stuff around here?" He nervously holds out his hand, but they didn't shake his hand. Joe: "We lost our old farm hand to one of them terrors last week." Moxxie: (laughs nervously) "Oh, crumbs. My bad! I am so sorry. I- I didnt mean to open that wound... sir." Blitz: "Hey, watch it! Im the sir here, bucko!" Millie: "Oh yeah! Yall havent met my boss Blitz! And his hellhound!" Loona: "Im not just his hellhound." Blitz: "Yeah, shes my daughter!"

He pulls Loona to his side. Y/n: "She's also my friend." Bloody sit next to y/n and pants happily. Loona: "Only on paper." Blitz walks away to greet Millie's parents. Loona: [pulls out her smartphone and begins typing] "Yall dont deserve to know my name." Y/n: "Sorry." Loona: "Why apologize?" I shrug and she chuckles at my clueless. Blitz walks over to Millies parents. "Its a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory [shoves Moxxie away] that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a [playfully elbows Millie] sturdy bitch!"

Joe: (chuckles) "That we did! So... Blitzo, is it? Heh heh. Thats a fine name." [Blitz and Joe shake hands] Lin: "It reminds me of war." Joe: [sighs happily] "Nothing like a little war to make a strong man!" Flexes his bicep. Blitz: "I like you people." Moxxie: "Y'know... more battles were won by technological advances in warfare. Ive researched the history of weaponry extensively, and its inspiring how for example, the progression of guns utilizing angelic technology has changed the landscape of Hells combative" Millie makes a cut it out motion with her hands while Y/n is the only one who's listening. Joe crosses his arms.

Moxxie: "I mean [deep, awkward voice] War fun!" Joe: "Guns get the job done... but a man aint nothin' if he cant tear the head off a hellish beast with only his bare... hands!" Blitz: "HAAAA! Hes right, Moxxie! [speaks baby talk] You got cute wittle baby hands like your baby dick!" Grabs Moxxies hand and reaches toward his crotch. Moxxie slaps his arm away. "Refrain... sir." Y/n: [look at her mother] "Ma and Pa don't like they?" Millie: [look nervous, but sighs] "No....they don't... I'm sorry princess." I just sigh. Joe: "Speakin' of strong hands, yall should meet our newest help. Hey! Striker!"

Black flaming hooves clop rapidly on the ground. An Imps spiky tail whips a black horse's flank. An Imp wearing a cowboy hat rides a black hell horse with a fiery mane. The horse leaps over a fence. Y/n watched in amazement and frozen with lovestruck. The horse rears up and roars in front of the group. Striker tips his hat in greeting, a stalk in his mouth. Striker: "Well, howdy! Oh, lookie here! You must be the famous Y/n!"

[Gets off the horse and walks toward Y/n. She snaps out of her frozen state and blush.] "Heard some good things about you from your grandfolks, little lady." [winks] Y/n: "Ohhh! Heehee" [laughs sheepishly, shyly, and blushing, and Striker shakes Y/n's hand.] Striker: "What're yall doin' so far away from Imp City? Heh. The free workin' finally slowin' down?" Y/n: "Oh no! Freelance isnt free! It's a--... Never mind." Moxxie watches in anger and protected mode, about to walk toward them, but Millie stops him and walks toward them. Millie: "Were just visitin' for the festival. The prince is our boss [in a dramatic voice] boyyyyfrieeeend!" Y/n gave Blitz a smirk. Blitz: "Millie, I am not above hitting a female in front of her daddy....Or their grandaddy." looking at Y/n. Bloody never moves away from Y/n and never stops glaring at Striker.

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