Mission: Stop Crushing on Monsters!

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Marcy flopped around a bit, "Fivveee more minutesss..." She groaned into her pillow, "I still think we should throw her out." A deep voice complained with a sigh, "Oh come on! We can't leave her out there, the cold would be to much for them." A sweeter voice commented after the deeper one.

Where am I?? Who are these people?? ...Suddenly she recognized thr two voices, the werewolf, Sasha, and the zombie, Anne. Marcy quickly scrabbled out of the bed while the two voices yelped and argued, "AUGGHH OH MY GOD THAT BED WAS COMFY WHYYY...!" Marcy hit the floor with her fist, when she looked up a blonde girl, with half her head shaved and brown roots starting to grow, along with a pony tail, the longer Marcy stared at her the more she noticed, fangs poked out a small bit but not very noticable, she had a scar on one eye and a scar on the cheek, her eyes glowed a bit in the dimly lit room with a yellowish pink, the girl raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Awww, I'm flattered, keep staring and you might make me blush." The blondie waved her hand with confidence as she was elbowed by the girl next to her, patchy green skin that abruptly changed to brown, and eye was blackend but one was still a brilliant bright blue, her hair adorned twigs and leaves and her left arm with stitched on, she must've noticed the fact that Marcy was now staring at her and taking in every detail because she bashfully put a hand behind her neck and rubbed it with a grin.

"OH- Oh my frog I am so sorry I didn't mean to stare! I was just- I was-" She stuttered out gingerly shaking her head and planting her head in her hands with her face rapidly heating up, "Oh no! I told you she drank the water from that lake!" Anne stomped her foot, pointing at the blondie, with a pout.

"Jeez Anne.. She didn't show any of those symptoms, well I guess now she is."  The blonde placed a hand on her cheek with a toothy grin, "uhhhhhhhhhh-" Marcys brain short circuited as the insanely pretty, extremly buff, insanely.. EVERYTHING placed a hand on her cheek, "HAH! All I had to do was touch her Anne!" She barked out a laugh, holding her sides as Anne shook her head.

"Here, get into the bed again, sorry but I went through your stuff and made some food for you!" The girl hoisted her up, making her short circut once again, the insanly pretty, insanly sweet, insanely just.. JUST EVRYTHING YOU GET THE POINT. Anyways she only responded with sputtering as the blondie and Anne left the room, leaving Marcy with her own, very homosexual, thoughts.

Now that she thought about it, the werewolf had a golden/blonde fur color, it was brown on top and also had a scar that ran the length of the side of its head, that side had thinner fur than the rest of the wolf but it wasn't furless.. So was that wolf, Sasha, this blondie? She made a mental note to ask when they returned.

She waited for a fair bit before they finally returned, bickering like an old married couple, it made her heart sink slightly, were they a couple? They shook their head, they were paranormals! Why did she care if they were dating? Though that would be fascinating. "Here you go! Now when your feeling better you can do whatever you hunters do." That earned a glare from the Blonde, right! Her question!

"Oh hey uhm! Are you the uhhh... The werewolf I saw with Anne?" She snapped her fingers when she remembered, the blonde snorted in response, "Really? I toootalllyy can't see that being me. It was me dingus." She rolled her eyes with a smile and a shake of the head, "Right!.. Okay, I knew that.." Marcy chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, you know our names, whats your m'lady?" Sasha walked over leaning over Marcy, "UH-Yea-! Hahaaa.. Uhm! My name its- Hah- Uh-" They struggled to string together a sentence with the blonde obstructing all of her vision, before she could embarrass herself more than she had Sasha yelped as she was dragged back by the collar of her shirt by Anne, "Hey! Lay off Sash." She batted at the girls head as she huffed and stared expectantly at Marcy.

"RIGHT! Uhm- M-My name is Marcy Wu! I uhm.. I like to call myself more of an observer of paranormals rather than.. Well, a hunter of monsters.. It just seems mean.." she played with her own hands as Anne suddenly let out a "Awwww!" As she let go of Sasha (making her fall to the ground) putting her hands on her cheeks with an expression you'd see on a little kid looking at a puppy.

"That is the CUTEST! Thing I've ever heard! And I have puppy pictures of this fool!" She kicked Sasha who was on the ground groaning about 'not kicking someone while their down'. Marcy let out a nervous laugh as her heart pounded in her ears and she subconsciously started looking around with a dopey smile...

This was going to be one hell of a stay..

Hunter Marc AU(NOT GOING TO BE CONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ