There You Are

19 2 0

Focus: Anne ///

Anne walked through the forest calmly despite the worry about Sashas saftey, and her own. Anne didn't want to admit it outloud, or to anyone at all, but she didn't trust the hunter.. Or.. Observer as she called it, she wanted to beleive in them don't get her wrong! ...It was just difficult after it being taken advantage of by other various hunters and even some other monsters that said they were friends..

Her mind wandered as she finally caught sight of what she was searching for, a clearing, the closer you came to it the more damaged the trees were, some had small slashes while others had been torn to shreds, leaving nothing but the stump with a trunk that was barely able to support its own weight, but more interesting was the large helmet covered in vines and other vegatation, it was rumored that a 'mega wolf' as Sasha puts it, had once lived here and died protecting his pack, leaving nothing but a rusting helmet to carry his legend, in truth it was names Barrel or something but Sasha said it reminded her of an actual barrel so she refused to call it that.

Sasha always came here when she was upset over something from the past, she had once admitted while half asleep that she went there because imagining Barrel the Brave and how many regrets he must've had.

She was thrusted out of her thoughts by the sound of clawing and angry grunting. 'Thats definitely her.' Anne thought with an amused smile that faded after another thought popped into her head, 'Why can't she just talk to me about her feelings instead of running off and destroying whatever she came across first..' she shook her head, making sure her limbs were all there she steadied herself and prepared to speak only to be cut off by Sashas bitter and sharp voice. "What."

It sounded less like a question and more like a threat, the tone she said it with conveyed perfectly what she felt, 'Leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you." It would've been threatening if Anne had just met her, but after years of experience with this prickly werewolf, one day she finally managed to peer through a crack in her walls and get a glimpse of the softer side, and since then Anne had done everything in her power to tear down the walls... or maybe make a small tunnel under it and crawl through and somehow wiggle her way into Sahsa heart.. That sounded nicer.

She walked over to Sasha who had already taken her place on the ground as she usually did when they talked out there. And per usual, a comfortable silence fell over them. It had become tradition to give eachother atleast 5 minutes of silence to calm down or collect their thoughts, sometimes it could span to half an hour or even an hour, but those were rare occasions she hoped they left behind in the past as they usually involved far more violent actions and even more hurtful words.

Sasha shifted slightly, catching the attention of the zombie next to her. She glanced up at the girl next to her who stared in return, a silent agreement from both of them that they were calm and collected enough to speak properly. Anne didn't want it to get intense as soon as she asked so she added an edge of humor to her sentence as she finally spoke, "Soooo.. They mentioned theee.. Ehm.." She made a slicing motion under her eye with a 'shk' kind of sound effect, unfortunately Sasha just nodded, not the reaction she was hoping for. She wished she could make her chuckle or giggle but maybe the event had happened to soon ago for Sasha to acknowledge the humor..

"Haha.. I was trying to uh.. Lighten the mood, that was a bust though huh.." Anne awkwardly laughed off the interaction and rubbed the back of her neck as she stared out past the cliff and into the far less threatening forest below. A small snort came from beside her, she looked over towards Sasha, a small smile and the tiniest bit of amusement was present. 'Progress!! I'm doin great!'

Anne let the conversation hit a stand still for a few moments, waiting to see if Sasha would talk or not. She didn't, and so Anne was left to start the conversation again, "You doing alright? You seemed pretty upset.." She nudged the girl next to her slughtly with a worried smile. She took a moment respond to Ammes question before speaking up, "Yeah.. I think I'll live." She stared at the ground, obviously not going to answer Annes question any futhur, so it would be in vain to wait or ask again.

"What was with the outburst..? You freaked out, you rarely do that, especially when its just a stranger asking about.." She didn't want to mention it again, treading with caution and dancing around the subject carefully but making herself clear. "I don't know. I just, I don't know. I got mad and it happened okay?"

(NOT GOING TO CONTINUE PAST THIS, feel free to just grab this story of you want, this isn't AO3 so theres no actual feature where you can, but if you just wanna copy it or something and continue it yourself than go ahead)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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