1. Kidnapped

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I struggle, kicking and screaming, but I am held tight from behind, and I realise it's no use.

I should probably explain who I am. I am Princess Isabella, daughter and soul heir of the throne of King William III of England. I have always hated being a royal, and sneak away at every chance I get to have some time away from the boring palace life.

It's one of those times now. I snuck out much earlier and for much longer today, and now I am paying the price. I was walking along the shoreline of one of my favourite beaches when it happened. I was suddenly grabbed from behind. I didn't even get a chance to see what my attacker looks like.

I am quickly bound and thrown unceremoniously into the bottom of a small rowing boat. I feel the hull scraping against the sand, and the boat rocks gently on the swell.

My face turned towards the floor, I can see nothing but the rough wooden planks beneath me, so am forced to use my other senses to paint a picture of my surroundings in my mind. The first thing I notice is the smell. The boat itself reeks of fish and liquor, but worse still is the sweaty stench oozing from the man rowing the boat. As far as I can tell, it is only the two of us in the boat. The man grunts with every pull of the oars, and it gets on my nerves.

Mere minutes later, the boat slows to a stop, then rocks violently as the man stands up. He drags me to my feet, too, and shoves me towards a rope ladder hanging down the side of a huge ship.

It is painted entirely black, even with black sails, and that's when I finally realise for sure that I have been kidnapped.  Properly, not just like in stories, and by pirates. It is much scarier than described in the stories.

I find myself on the top deck, a band of scraggly men - pirates - looking at me with hangdog expressions. The one with a fancy cap, presumably the captain, steps forward.

"Wel'come aboard the Black Pearl, Princess!" He leers at me, his foul breath nearly knocking me off my feet. I don't deign to answer. Instead, I stand in stony silence, staring at the captain of the pirate ship the Black Pearl. At my kidnapper.

"Take her below!" The captain commands. "Give her a cabin, not a nice one but not a stinky one neither. Got to treat our guest like royalty after all." He sneers. I feel like spitting in his face, but I doubt that will do me much good.

I fell yet another shove from behind, and I stumble forward and through the hatch to the deck below. At the end of the hallway is a cabin with its door slightly ajar. This, apparently, will be my home until I am rescued.

I do hope that comes soon. Or do I? I have never liked doing princess-y stuff, like embroidery and sewing. I might find the pirate's life fits me best. But for now, I have nothing to do but fall asleep, so I do just that. It has been a very tiring morning.

Thanks so much for reading!! As I said in the description, I am still improving my writing skills. As I am still at school, I will probably be updating only once a week, but maybe more in holiday time.

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