3. First kiss

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Izzy's POV
Days pass, with not so much as a peep from my father or his royal fleet. But I don't care. All I care about now is seeing Jack again, but I haven't seen him since the first time we met. Every day since then it has been a smelly pirate with long dishevelled hair who brings me my measly plate of food.

Long dishevelled hair. Mine can't be any better. I wonder if there is a bath on this ship? I decide I will ask the next time I am brought food. 

Barely and hour later, my door creaks open, and my heart leaps. But it's not him, just the smelly one. He grunts, as usual, and shoves my plate of stale bread and a glass of water towards me. He is just about to slam the door shut when I remember what I was going to ask him.

"Wait!" He stops the door and looks at me questioningly. "I-is there any chance I could have a bath?" I ask pathetically.

He nods slowly in response. "Fine, follow me then."

He leads me down a corridor to the end. In front of me is another door, almost identical to my own. He gestures for me to go in, and I do, drawing the bolt across as soon as I am inside. I don't want any surprise visitors.

I look around me at the dingy excuse of a bathroom. All it is is a small bucket (presumably the toilet) and a much larger one, clearly the bath. The bath water does, at least, look clean, but also freezing cold.

After a quick wash in the frigid water, I step out and rub myself down with a bit of old sack the smelly pirate gave me. Finally finished, I step out of the room, expecting to find the same man waiting for me.

But it's not. It's Jack waiting for me, instead. He looks up when the door opens, and an adorable, lop-sided smile spreads across his face. I stop in my tracks, amazed that I have finally found him again.

He looks at me in that way again. That way that makes me feel like I am falling through nothingness into nothingness. Yet at the same time, I am wonderfully present. Present in those deep chocolatey-brown eyes.

Without realising what I'm doing, I lean forward a little, and Jack does the same. And before I know it our lips are touching. A fire starts at the pit of my stomach, spreading through me to the very tips of my fingers. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist.

My lips part involuntarily and his tongue slips into my mouth. The fire, already burning, blazes through me; my every particle is alight . Our kiss gets more passionate, and his hands start to slide further and further down my back.

Jack's POV
I know I shouldn't, but my hands are acting without my mind's permission. They get closer and closer to her large ass, and she does nothing to stop me.

Quite the opposite in fact. She draws even closer to me, pressing her sexy body against mine.

Suddenly, we are interrupted by running boots from behind us. We part, and turn to see young Charlie running toward us. Charlie is the bosun's son, about 12 years old, and irritating as hell. I hope he didn't see anything, because he would tell every mother's son that he saw Jack Sparrow and the princess kissing in the corridor outside the bathroom.

I'd get in trouble for that, but not as much trouble as young Charlie would be as soon as I got my hands on him. I shake my head, brining myself back to the present.

"What do you want?" I growl. His eyes tell me he saw nothing interesting, and I relax a little.

"Bosun wants you." He pipes. He stares at Izzy like she's an exotic animal in a textbook, and I flip him off. He gives me a frightened look and runs into the bathroom, leaving me to go see what Bosun wants.

All the way to finding him, I can't keep my mind off of Izzy. How she tasted, sweet in my mouth, how her skin sent shocks of electricity through me, how her curvy body turned me on. How good she'd be in bed...

Stop I tell myself firmly. She would never. But she kissed you my subconscious argues. Shut up I think. I find myself in front of the bosun's office door, and take a breath before knocking sharply on the door.

Hey, thanks so much for reading. I'm really really sorry that I haven't written in so long, I've been really busy and stressful again. I will try to get back to updating weekly, but I can't promise.
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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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