2. Meeting

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It feels like seconds later that I am awoken, but judging by the change of light filtering through the tiny window, it has been hours. I am hungry, and I wonder when, or indeed if, I will be fed. My neck is sore, too. It's a strange feeling for me, as I have never so much a stubbed my toe before in my boring, pampered life.

My door opens. That must have been what woke me. And standing in front of me is the most perfect boy I have ever seen. Better by far than any of the suitors that have tried to woe me in the past.

The boy looks to be around my age, maybe a little older. His face is perfectly symmetrical, his dark hair is swept to the side, and his muscular, bronzed torso is bare down to his linen sailor trousers. And his eyes! They are the the deepest, richest brown, almost black, and they seem to draw me closer to him as if I am falling through nothingness. At the same time, they search me, reading every thought and emotion on my face. I gaze up at him, drinking in every detail of his divine features.

He clears his throat awkwardly and his eyes shift to the side. "I... uhm... I brought you some food." It is evident he is slightly flattered, though embarrassed, at my staring. He shuffles forward and places a plate with a slice of dry bread and a glass of milk in front of me. Then he smiles uncomfortably and backs out.

"Wait!" I cry out. "W-what's your name?" I want to hide as soon as I say it. What was I thinking?! Well I clearly wasn't, that's for sure.

But the pirate boy opens the half-shut door a little more and looks at me, long and hard. Then he says, "Jack. I'm Jack. Jack Sparrow." It's cute how many tries it took him to tell me his name, and I smile back.

"Isabella." Then I realise something. I don't like that name. That is the name of a spoilt, pampered princess who doesn't know a thing about normal, everyday life. "Izzy, actually."

Jack Sparrow grins back at me a little sheepishly. Then he quickly closes my door, and I hear running feet going upstairs as the captain's voice is heard issuing instructions.

I wonder vaguely what my father will be doing right now, and how worried he is, if at all. I find that since I saw Jack, I have lost my appetite entirely. All I can think about is his handsome features, staring at me as though he has never wanted anything more than to look at me forever.

Jack's POV
Before I go up top, I pause, and I can't stop myself grinning. That princess is just perfect. Even in her dirty, dishevelled state she looks perfect. I can't even imagine what she'll look like when she's clean. Her brown wavy hair falls gracefully over her shoulders, and her blue eyes are beautiful. I know for sure I won't be able to sleep properly until I get to know her better. Maybe she will develop feelings for me, too. But that's impossible. She a princess. I'm a pirate. She would never love me, and she is way out of my league.

Hey, thanks for reading this chapter! I know it's a short one but I have been really busy this weekend. I'll try for a longer one next week.
I'd really like to get to know you guys better, so please to comment. Also please vote, it really helps. Ily all! ✌️

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