The Meeting

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Childe's POV:

I sat at a table in Liyue, when suddenly a man walked up to me, I looked at him "uhm, hello sir, do u need something?" I said.
"Well, I indeed need something" He pointed at some people "Can u tell me what they're doing?" He said.
"I think they're doing vandalism" I said still staring at him.
"Oh, well, it's not the right thing, why would they do that?" He said.
"It's indeed not the right thing, but now u're here, would u like a drink?" I said.
"Well, sure one drink wouldn't be bad" He said.
"But uhm, I don't have any Mora, could I borrow some?" He said.
"Oh Nono, it's fine, I asked if u wanted a drink, so i'il pay" I said.
"Okay, thank u sir" he said.
We went inside and ordered a drink.
We went to a table and sat at it.
I asked "So sir, what's ur name?:
"My name?" He said.
"Yes ur name" I said.
"My name is Zhongli" He said "What's ur name?" He asked.
"My name is Childe, but people call me Tartaglia" I said.
"Okay Mr.Childe" He said and smiled.
"U really don't have to say Mr, Mr.Zhongli" I said.

-Like 15 Minutes Later-

We finally got our drink.
"That was a pretty long time" I said looking at Zhongli.
"So where are u from?" Zhongli said.
"Oh, I'm from Snezhnaja" I said "how about u?"
"I'm from here, in Liyue" Zhongli said.
"Oh, I never saw u before" I said.
"Well, I uhm, I'm mostly findable outside the city.." He said.
"Mhm, okay" I said and smiled.
"So, what are ur pronouns?" I said.
"Mine? Mine are He/They" He said.
"I'm boring, mine are He/Him" I said.
"Ur funny Childe" He said.
"Hahah, Thanks Mr.Zhongli" I said.
He smiled. "You know Childe. U're the first one that I actually like" He said.
"U're funny, kind and you actually look good" He said.
"U're so nice Mr.Zhongli" I smiled.
Xiao walked to them "Dad, what are you doing here?" Xiao said.
"Oh, hello Xiao, what I'm doing here? This kind young man invited me for a drink, and ofcourse I couldn't say no" Zhongli said.
Xiao looked at me. "I think he's inlove with you dad" he looks back at me "and I think he's also inlove with you" Xiao said.
"Me? Inlove? What? No?" Zhongli said a bit stuttering.
"U're cute Mr.Zhongli" I said in a teasing voice.
"Don't flirt with him" Xiao said looking mad at me.
"Why not?" I said.
"Because I said so" Xiao said.
"Come on, Xiao, he's just being kind" Zhongli said.
"What's actually u're name?" Xiao asked.
"People call me Tartaglia, but my name is Childe" I said.
"Mhm, okay Childe if that's even ur real name" Xiao said with a suspicious face.
I get a notification and I look at it. "I'm sorry Mr.Zhongli but I need to go somewhere, bye bye" I gave him some Mora and left.
I went home, and sat on the couch.
I sighed "I couldn't even get his number" I said with a sad face.
I decided to watch some TV.

-A Few Hours Later-

I fell asleep while watching TV.
And I woke up the next day.

ZhongChiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora