The Unknown

150 3 15

Zhongli's POV:

I woke up still tied up with my head on Childe's shoulder.
I looked at Childe.
"Goodmorning, Did u sleep well Mr.Zhongli?" Childe said.
"Yes, I did" I said looking in Childe's eyes.
"Ur eyes are beautiful" I whispered.
"U know, u are beautiful" Childe said. I blushed a bit.
I felt the van stop. "You two, stop flirting with eachother, it's annoying" The kidnapper said.
"We're not flirting!" Childe yelled.
"Yes you are!" Xiao and the kidnapper said.
"Finee, maybe a little" Childe said.
"Childe...I love u.." I whispered and hoped he didn't hear it.
"..I love u too Mr.Zhongli" Childe said.
"I- uhm- uh-" I blushed.
"I- uh- U heard that-?" I said.
"Yes. I did" Childe said.
" does this mean-?" I said.
"U're mine now" Childe said with a grin on his face.
"Simps" Xiao said annoyed.
"Indeed they're simps" The Kidnapper said.
"We're not!" Childe yelled.
"Maybe a bit- but still!" Childe said.
"You know what i mean!" Childe yelled.
"Yaya, now shut up!" The kidnapper said.
Everyone immediately shuted up.
The van continued driving.

-After Like 15 Minutes-

The van slowly stops.
We got pulled out the van, and we needed to walk with the kidnapper..
But, Childe took my arm with his teeth and pulled me away.
"Childe..." I said.
"I can't go without you.." Childe said.
"And I can't go without Xiao" I said.
"Okay.. but first I will get you out if here, then I will get Xiao" Childe said while untying me with his teeth.
I untied him.
"I will help.." I said.
"I signed a contract for this" I said.
"That's funny-" Childe said while holding his laugh.
"No. I'm serious" I said.
"Oh- uhm- heh-" Childe said.
"Let's just go." I said.
We went back to where Xiao was.
I saw a guy with a knife to Xiao's neck..
"XIAO!?" I screamed.
"D-dad?" Xiao said.
I felt something sharp in my back..
I sighed.
".. Mr.Zhongli.." Childe said.
"Oh Nono, he's Morax as you know. We can get a lot of Mora from him" someone said.
"Well, I actually don't have any Mora." I said.
"That's not what I meant" The Person said.
"Oh-" I said.
"Uhm.." i stared at the wall in front of me.
I felt the knife cut my arm a bit.
"...ouch.." I said.
"Mh, you're a lot weaker then I expected." The person said.
"Mr.Zhongli isn't weak!" Childe yelled.
"Mh. I don't care." The person said. While stabbing my back.
"Ahhh" I screamed.
"... Mr.Zhongli!?" Childe said.
"..Childe... I'm fine" I said.
I saw someone throwing a knife at me...

ZhongChiWhere stories live. Discover now