The Unlocked Door

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-The Next Day-

Childe's POV:

I woke up on the couch.
I decided to get up and make breakfast for myself, so I went to the kitchen and made breakfast, when I heard something in the living room. I thought 'Did I not lock the door yesterday?'
I ran to the living room, and saw someone..
"Who are you?!" I yelled.
"Whoa, calm down Childe!" The person said.
"..Mr.Zhongli..?" I said.
"Childe my apologies for making you scared.." Zhongli said.
"...why are u here..?" I said.
"Well uhm-" "Dad, shut up" Xiao said.
"Xiao too?!" I yelled.
"Well, Zhongli wanted your phone number" Xiao said.
"You could just have said that.." I said.
"Ya.. I know.. and I apologize" Zhongli said.
"No... it's fine.." I said.
"U Sure? U seem shocked.." Zhongli said.
"..ya" I said.
"..okay" Zhongli said.
"Imma continue make breakfast" I said.
"Do u also want some?" I asked.
"Uhm, sure" Zhongli said.
"Xiao, do u also want?" I said.
"Nah" Xiao said.
"Okay" I went back to the kitchen and continued cooking.
When I suddenly heard a loud bang from the living room.
I ran there.
"Is everyone okay!?" I said.
I looked around and saw Zhongli and Xiao badly injured on the ground.
"...Guys..?" I said.
I saw that Zhongli tried to get up...
"Mr.Zhongli... no" I said...

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