four - irl

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"Dada get your ass down here!" Joe yelled as he and the rest of the heartstopper cast were standing outside Daphne's apartment.

"I'm already here calm down Jojo." She answered as she left the building and went to hug her friend. "And please can both of you stop calling me that." She added as she looked at her brother.

The rest of the cast introduced theirselves after. She had already met Yasmin Toby and Will earlier that day so she simply just hugged them. Rhea was acting like she met her celebrity crush until Daphne convinced her to calm down. Then Kit stepped forward.

"So you are the famous Daphne all these idiots can't shut up about." He spoke.

"I guess I am. And you must be the golden retriever of the group."

Kit simply gave her a sarcastic smile in response.

"Okay so now that you all have met the better looking Croft sibling... can we go eat because i am starving!" Daphne spoke to the entire group.

The group went to McDonald's were they got recognized about a hundred times. Most of them were teenage girls wanting to take a picture with Daphne and the cast.

They arrived at the club about an hour and a half later. Most of them went to get drinks but Daphne went into the crowd to dance. She loved parties and everything that came with them. This was a part of her life she preferred to keep hidden from her followers and she succeeded most of the time.

Kit had followed her without her releasing and he stood behind her as he spoke into her ear.

"So I have noticed that you followed me on instagram today."

"Don't flatter yourself. I follow the entire cast." She said as she turned around to face him.

"So this had nothing to do with the fact I called you pretty?"

"Not in the slightest. But I got to say you're pretty handsome as well." She stepped closer in order to whisper in his ear. "Some might even say hot."

"Some, huh?" He asked as he bit his lip.

The group joined them with their drinks and they partied the rest of the night. Daphne did try to dance with a few guys which she often did but Sebastian often stopped it, being the overprotective brother he is. Kit on the other hand was not to happy with it either. He stood and jealousy watched.

After the club closed they all walked home together, taking pictures and laughing. Sebastian was staying at Daphne's apartment since it was closer by and they had a lot of catching up to do. They talked until it was light outside and eventually both fell asleep.

Lovely [Kit Connor]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя