03 | welcome to the jungle

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"So you're telling me that you ended up here because you agreed to help your best friend impress a girl?" Patrol Officer Saffron Fitzpatrick giggled. "Do you want to take a wild guess at what exactly it was that you did?"

Miguel frowned, not finding any amusement in his lack of memory about prior events. Frankly, he had no idea why Saffron was even still talking to him, her melodic voice ringing in his ears every time she laughed. Saffron had parked a plastic chair in front of the holding cells, attempting to keep Miguel company while he ate his pitiful McDonald's breakfast. The holding cell smelled like mold and sweat, and a little bit of vomit if Miguel paid too much attention.

"It's not funny, Officer Fitzpatrick. I really don't know what it is that I did. I remember the auditorium, and I remember the picketers walking through the hall, that's when Eli began to get really interested."

"Do you remember what they were picketing about?" Saffron prodded, grateful for the company. When she had joined the force, she didn't realize that her job would mainly be taking drunk casino goers off the streets in the casino district. The holding cells were practically empty, the only other patron fast asleep in a drunken haze.

And it helped that Mgiuel Diaz was cute.

"I think it had something to do with the circus, animal rights, I think." He remembered the people with signs and neon green shirts, the angry glare of the ostrich. "Oh god." He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Don't tell me that it had anything to do with the ostrich?"

Saffron snorted, the ungraceful sound blending with her harmonic laugh as she cackled, almost falling off the chair. "Miguel, mate, it has everything to do with the ostrich. You and your buddy let it loose on the casino floor."

Eighteen Hours Earlier

Lennon and Robby were still outside the casino, perched on sunbeds next to the pool, Lennon's book long forgotten as she talked with Robby, laughing so hard that she feared apple juice might spray from her nostrils.

"Your friends seem like quite the characters." Lennon giggled, messing with the imitation Pandora bracelet on her wrist.

Robby rolled his eyes with a grin. "Let's just say that I'm the sane one, which doesn't mean too much." Given Robby's past as a juvenile delinquent, he was shocked to find that Miguel and Eli were sometimes crazier than he was, but Robby liked to think that his time as a student of Daniel LaRusso had changed his ways, and made him a better person. His days of petty theft and running from the police were long gone.

𝚆𝙰𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚄𝙿 𝙸𝙽 𝚅𝙴𝙶𝙰𝚂 ,, a cobra kai auWhere stories live. Discover now