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there. Well, hoped. Hoped things would simmer down and go away, due to the procrastination side of her. "Out of sight, out of mind," was her motto, and always has been.

But it was a new day, and Maia had new problems to worry about. One of which, was the fact that her brother landed on her doorstep bright and early that morning, claiming his band was playing a live show in town, so he wanted to visit.

"Uncle Matt!" Cece screamed, running up to the man and giving him a big hug.

"Hey there, anklebiter!" Matt laughed, giving her a hug back before holding her on his hip. "Guess what? Your mom has to go into work a little early, so I'm gonna take you to school. How's that sound?"

Maia didn't exactly trust Matt with a lot of things, but she trusted him with her child. He would never put Cece in harm's way on purpose. Although she wasn't thrilled he showed up unannounced at the crack of dawn, she was thankful he was willing to take Cece off her hands for the morning. Being a single mom was never easy, and she needed help.

"Can we get breakfast before school?" Cece mused, making her best puppy dog eyes.

Matt shrugged, turning towards Maia, who was pouring more sugar into her coffee than actually coffee. "Mai? Will you let me buy her breakfast before school?"

"Mm." The surgeon hummed, pretending like she wasn't too sure. "Only if you promise to bring me a pancake back home."

Cece smiled really wide, "Thank you, Mama!"

Maia grinned back, pulling her purse over her shoulder as she sipped the coffee from her thermos. "I have to get going. Take care of her, Matt. Don't let her have too much sugar, or she'll get rambunctious."

"Oh, wouldn't dream of it." Matt waved her off, bouncing his niece on his hip. "Have a good day. Cut some people open for me."

Maia laughed before kissing her daughter on the head, speaking to her, "Be good, and don't give Uncle Matt trouble. I will see you after school. I love you."

"I love you too, Mama." Cece smiled, hugging her mother before Maia said goodbye to Matt, leaving the apartment with all her stuff.

Matt set Cece on the counter before opening up the cookie jar. "Shh. Don't tell your mama I gave you a cookie in the morning."

Cece grinned wider than ever, taking it with delight.


"I said I don't need any help, Avery," Maia muttered, said resident continuing to follow her every move that morning, just hoping to get in on her service after he screwed up with everyone else. "I've got an easy day, because I am not running the ER. Two laparoscopic surgeries and a lung exploration. I can't use you. Besides...you already walked out on my Trauma Certification seminar. What makes you think I want you to be my accomplice?"

"Okay, true." Jackson shrugged. "But maybe I can—"

As they were approaching the restricted area Maia was paged to, a tall man in a suit prevented them from passing by. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. I can't admit you."

Maia smiled kindly, "Uh, sir, I am an attending physician at this hospital. I know I'm a bit new here and all, but I was paged to behind those doors. I need you to let me by." She tried again, but he held his hand up in front of her face. She got stern, "Chief Webber wants me in there."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am." He apologized again.

Maia crossed her arms over her chest, a vein popping out of her forehead as she got serious. "Well, who's so important that's in there and I'm not allowed to go in?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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