Chapter Nine

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Angel P.O.V

Sitting outside at seven am, watching the first snowfall of the year with my stalker was not how I wanted to spend my morning. Although, feeling the cold wind pass through my thin layers of clothes did help me numb the pain of betrayal that I was feeling.
For the past two days, I've been with Grey, my stalker. The moment he told me about Max being Shawn's father, I knew that I was in the same pack from six years ago. I begged Grey to take me back to my sister, but he refused.

Since he refused to let me leave, he has been downgraded from being my friend back to being my stalker.

Grey explained to me that 'he' may be protected by the laws of the pack but that doesn't stop Shawn from coming after me. There are no laws protecting wolves from other wolves. Especially if it's an alpha going after an omega for hurting their stupid ass pride.

Grey was just lucky that he could play off his spell as Shawn fainting from the vase, but I may not be so lucky next time. I knew that Grey was right and waiting until I was healed to go back was better for me, but I still needed to talk to my sister. There's no way that she would bring me back here. Not without reason.

The only person that knows what happened to me and believed me is Abby. I tried to tell my parents, but they wouldn't listen...Shit! Why does this have to happen to me? Why me!?

"Let's go for a run or hunt for breakfast. You need to clear your head. Plus, it's been a while." Sol offers.

"Yea, you're right though I doubt there's anything out there in this cold though." I reply.

I tell Grey that I'm going for a run and that I'll be back before lunch. I shift into my wolf form and let the white crystal snowflakes fall onto my white fur as I circle around in my place.

"When the snow builds up on the ground let's roll around in it with Abby and Asena!" Sol says excitedly. Asena is Abby's wolf.

"We'll see." I reply before taking off.


I ran every day for the past few days to avoid thinking about the possibility of Abby purposely bringing me back to this pack. I didn't want to believe that she would.

"It seems the bruising is almost gone on your neck." Grey verbally says to me while signing as he walks into the kitchen.

"Yea." I signed back.

I busied myself with learning sign language from Grey. From dusk to dawn he would speak to me verbally while signing and I would copy everything he did and learn as much as I could each day. I also started learning how to cook simple meals such as eggs and toast, grits, tacos, turkey melts, and spaghetti. I haven't mastered any meal to perfection but in Grey's words my cooking is 'edible.'

"Dinner?" He asks me.



"If you want something else for dinner then you should go to the market. I didn't know warlocks could be so lazy."

"I'm just saving energy." Grey expresses as he drags his feet to an island stool.

"Saving energy my ass." I spit out placing our plates on the granite counter and taking my seat next to him.

"We can go tomorrow after your check-up with theta."

"Oh. You're finally letting me leave. And here I thought you wanted me all to yourself."

"Well, I think you'll miss me more than I'll miss you." Grey professes with a soft chuckle. I laugh with him, only because he may be right.

"Whatever." I say ending our conversation.

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