Chapter 1

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This is just awful! What did I do to deserve this? I'm low class, I don't have a job and I'm being set up with someone I don't even know. This sucks. Like what'd I'm supposed to do, deal? I don't know if I can! Plus this whole process is so confusing and stressful! I don't understand how the government controls and keeps track of all of this. Like how are they going to have so many holes in the schooling systems alone, but arrange marriages? Besides that, why can't I know who I'm going to marry? Like who is this girl gonna be? Will she be nice, fake, controlling of my life, destructive? Will it even be a girl? What-even-ever at this point. I'll just drop it for now. I looked at the time, 10:52, I'm late.

I woke up this morning extremely late. It was disastrous, my mom, my sister, and I were all late this morning. Now I have two days to get to Kaylum. But it takes two days by train! I'm going to be late. That's why I'm running to the train station instead of driving because with my mom at the wheel it would take two days just to get to the station. Nonetheless, I ran as fast as I could to not miss the train. I kind of blacked out halfway through so not much to tell there. Although I do remember bumping into someone in the same situation as me, they're going to get married to someone they don't know too! And we're both going to Kaylum! But that got me thinking. What if I'm not marrying a girl? What if I'm marrying this guy? Like I have no idea who this person is gonna be. At first, I let that sink in and then I asked in the most casual way possible, "Hey, where are you getting married?" Simply to put my mind at ease. But he replied, "I'm not sure how to pronounce it, but something like Harnvond."

"Wait, do you mean Harvend?"

"Yes!" he said while tapping his nose to show I'm correct. Wait, that's where I'm getting married!

"O-okay, well what's your name?" I said worriedly, "I have a feeling we'll be meeting again."

"Uh... ok? Well, my name is Rin. Rin Haner, and you are?"

"Connor, Connor Hutchin." After that conversation, I walked with him to the train. It was clear that this was going to be a long ride.


Three more hours till I got to Kaylum, and the guy I was talking to, yeah he fell asleep on me! Yeah, we had finally got to sit down, because who in the hell rides a train at 3 am, well other than us, and this, well, princely fellow? So I was just looking out the window and he deliberately comes over and sits down next to me. Like What?! So I asked him, "Umm, excuse me, but why did you move over here?" Which I thought was a pretty reasonable question. But he dares to say, "I was cold, are you uncomfortable? I can always move back." Like, bitch, of course, I'm uncomfortable! But he made the sweetest face ever, which made me question my sexuality, but I guess I'll think about that later. But I just couldn't turn him down! So what do I say, this, "No it's fine, I was a little cold too." You know, like an idiot.

I closed my eyes for what felt like a blink, but I guess I had fallen asleep because I saw Rin Haner... about an inch from my face when I opened my eyes. And I don't know if it was just my imagination, but I swear he was getting closer. So I did what any reasonable person would... and I screamed. 

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