Chapter 2

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It was pretty obvious that something was wrong with the current situation. You could tell even with the lack of gasps. Why do I always cause something in public transport? People were looking at us from any angle. After a deafening silence, soft conversations can be heard emerging. It was fairly obvious that they were talking about me and Mr. Haner, I try to ignore it by turning to him and apologizing.

He interrupts "No, no! You're ok, I can see how my actions could be misleading."

"Speaking of, what were you doing?"

"Ah!- I um... I was just checking something." he said, looking guilty.

"What were you checking?"

"Nothing in particular..."

"Uh-huh...? Well sorry for sounding judgmental but you being that close is very suspicious. So sorry if 'nothing in particular' doesn't cut it for me." I said starting to get angry.

"OH NO NO NO!" He said, causing yet another scene. "I WASN'T TRYING TO... kiss you or anything... Sorry"

I think he realized that people were starting and were quiet for a second looking at me anxiously for a response. So I gave one, "You're fine, but can I please just get an explanation?"

"Yes of course!"

He went quiet again. We both sat in silence until he spoke up.

"I was just trying to get you some more room to sleep, and since we have the same stop I was going to wake you up when we got there."

Now that I think about it, it's more cramped than when I fell asleep. But still, how does that result in him being so close. I don't care enough to think about it.

"Seriously. I mean thanks I guess, but really?" I said

"Truly. I won't lie."

"Ok, but why, you don't need to do that!"

"I wanted to because you seem a bit too... small and meek," he said sounding small

"Small, and MEEK!" I almost yelled, obviously mad.

"Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you are a tiny weakling, just that you look like one!"

"Yeah. Thanks." This guy just keeps pissing me off.

"Wait! No no no!" he panicked "I just have a strange urge to want to protect you, I guess."

"Trust me, there is no need to protect me, I can do that all by myself! So, please don't call me small and meek! You're the unnecessary large one!"

"What? Me? What do you mean?"

"Seriously you don't know! You're like, what, 6'1! And how much muscle do you even have?" Did this guy not know just by looking around that he's huge?"

"Yeah, I am 6'1, and I weigh about 180lbs, what's so weird about that?"

Was this guy serious? "You're kidding me! I'm 5'7 and weigh 150lbs, and I'm average! You're huge!"

"I thought I was fairly average?"

"Look around you! Everyone is smaller than you!

"No way?" When he went just to turn his upper body a little and bumped into someone and squished me a little more. I think that's when he realizes that he is kind of large.

"See?" I said, trying to push him back a little bit.

"Yeah, I guess I am a little bit bigger than others."

"Yes, you are. But I'm not saying that that's a bad thing, ok. Don't get me wrong."

"Yeah, thanks" he looked and sounded kind of sad. I want to make him feel better, but how can I? Thinking back to earlier, he said that he was cold. But he probably just wanted to protect me. Maybe I could... I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Don't feel bad, I'm going to sleep"

He seemed happier after that. I don't know why but that makes me feel good.

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