Dinner Disaster

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"Not even an ex girlfriend, or a romantic interest?" She asked a bit shocked.

"Um no not really, I guess I really never liked a girl like that. I had a girlfriend when I was younger but not for long, a primary school relationship really" I said as I chuckled.

"Mom" Alice said annoyed.

"Clay was always a ladies man, all through high school he would go out with girls. I wasn't a fan of him going out with all these girls, these relationships never lasted. He always had crushes on celebrities when he was younger. Hopefully he finds the right one, I have been dying for grandchildren, Ivy doesn't seem to be getting settled anytime soon" She said as he laughed.

I felt as of my happiness was just drained. Hearing those words made me upset.

"Mom, Ivy is being independent, she doesn't need to settle down, she is living her best life" Dream said as he chuckled.

"Oh Clay I just want to live long enough to see you or Ivy's grandchildren" She said as smiled.

I stared down at my plate. Sapnap put his hand on my leg, he quietly cleared his throat. I took a deep breath and continued to eat. Sapnap got his hand off my leg and continued to eat.

"Clay you are 22 years. Maybe you should try and get out there, meet someone that you could have a connection with" (Dream's mom)

Dream just sort of looked at her. He took a deep breath. He seemed annoyed. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Are you coming over for Christmas Clay?" Alice said before he could speak.

"Oh yes Clay, you should. All of us together again and maybe your friends unless they already have plans" (Dream's mom)

"I would have to think about it, I was already thinking of having a Christmas party with some friends in the UK" He said as he sighed.

Me and Sapnap looked at eachother.

"You never visit, at least do this one thing for me" (Dream's mom)

"I don't think dad would want to see me by then" He said as he looked at his plate.

"Why wouldn't he, he loves you Clay" (Dream's mom)

Dream was silent.

"Alice, how's school?" Sapnap said to break the tension.

"Good" She responded.

"Any boyfriends, or girlfriends" Sapnap asked.

"Just boyfriends, Clay and Alice are very alike, always having crushes on celebrities" Dream's mom said as he chuckled.

Alice sighed.

"No, no boyfriends or girlfriends" She responded.

"When is your winter break?" (Sapnap)

"We only get a week off of school which is stu- very dumb" (Alice)

"You know Clay, the neighbors have a very nice daughter, She is 21 and very suitable for you" Dream's mom said as she continued to eat.

"Why are you pushing this?" Dream said annoyed.

"Me and you father are worried, are we not allowed to worry about our own son" She said as a harsh tone.

"Look mom, I am not interested. I am seeing someone" Dream said as he aggressively stabbed his food.

"Oh thank god" Dream's mom said relieved.

"I thought I would never get grandchildren. Who is the lovely girl? For how long? When can I meet her?" She said excitedly.

Dream took a deep breath.

"Well she is actually- " Dream said before I cut him off.

"She is very lovely" I blurted.

"Oh you have met her" She said surprised.

Dream looked at me.

"Um yeah, she came a few times. She is a bit shy and is scared you aren't going to like her. Scared that you aren't going to want to be associated with...her" I said as I sighed.

"Why wouldn't I? I bet she is lovely girl, she is my son's girlfriend after all" She said as she chuckled.

My heart ached. I felt as if I shouldn't be here. We ate our food in silence. Dinner was a disaster.

Alice looked at me. She had no emotion. She just stared at me while she ate.

Sapnap stood up.

"Dinner was great" Sapnap said as he grabbed his plate and put it in the sink.

"Glad you liked it, soon I will be cooking for all 4 of you, including Clay's girlfriend" She said happily.

"Dinner was delicious" I said as I put my plate in the sink.

I felt like shit. The food was great, but this whole dinner thing was a disaster.

"Mom I think we should get going" Dream said as he stood up.

"So soon? I was hoping we could talk more about your girlfriend. I am just so happy for you Clay. I thought you would never find the girl good enough for you. Looks like I will be getting my grandchildren" She said as she chuckled.

Dream was getting angry.

"Mom, please stop" Alice said as she put her hand on her mom's shoulder.

"Stop what? I am just so happy" She said as stood up.

"For a moment I thought you were gay. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that, it's just I would have been very disappointed. You can make beautiful children Clay. Ivy doesn't seem to be wanting children any time soon. Alice is too young. You are the one to make my wish come true" She said as she went to Dream and hugged him.

"Mom, about that" Dream said as he took a deep breath.

"Can I go to Clay's house? I am working on a project and I really need his help, like a lot of it" Alice blurted.

"Wow this is chaotic" Sapnap whispered in my ear.

"Oh of course dear, Clay you don't mind?" She said as she pulled away from Dream but still had him in her arms.

"That would be great actually" (Sapnap)

"Oh good" (Dream's mom)

Alice went to her room and grabbed her backpack.

Time Skip

"Bye mom" Alice shouted as we walked out the door.

"Do you actually have a project?" Sapnap said as he chuckled.

"Yeah, I just don't need your help, I needed to get out of there" She said as she laughed.

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