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Yeeun couldn't be anymore nervous today. She really prayed to God that today couldn't mess up infront of her school. The book review she wrote as her assignment.

"Yeeun, did you packed your journal?" Her mom asked worriedly looking Yeeun who was clenching her fists and stared straight ahead on the road.

Her mom placed her hand and shaked her. Yeeun was left out of her nervous breakdown and saw her mom's questioning gaze.

"Ofcourse Mom! I am not 'that' careless and also i need my extra marks after what happened last time" she said firmly to which her mother sighed.

Yeeun looked out and saw her school. She looked at mom and said, "Mom i gotta go! Take care of grandpa and don't be late to office!" Saying this she left her bewildered mom.

As she ran without much focus, she accidentally tripped on her own shoes and fell down hard.

She groaned audibly," Ugh! Why does my luck turning me off again!" She hissed trying to get up on her own. She took a step and immediately went limp.

"Fuck!" She muttered angrily and glared at her foot.

"Can you please step aside?" Came a voice from her behind. Yeeun turned and saw a man looking like a bodyguard and then saw that there was a boy at the same height as hers looking down at the ground.

Yeeun puffed her cheeks annoyedly, "Well mister, can't you see this is a fucking big road from which cars can easily go so why can't you go from besides me! Instead of irritating me! Making my obvious bad day more bad!" She widened her eyes and placed a hand on her mouth after seeing the black-suit man's hardened eyes.

She nervously looked here and there and tried to step back backing the wall and gestured with her hand, "I-i am sorry, Y-you can g-go s-sir" she bowed scared to death knowing what could this type of man could do even if he had a child. Well atleast she saw this in the movies and learnt to
Stay away from them.

The man just shaked his head in annoyance and walked dragging the boy with him. Yeeun narrowed her gaze and saw the back of the small boy and her breath hitched when that same boy turned his head and looked at her. And she swear she smiled.

"Uh- little girl your school is going to start don't you-" Yeeun snapped her neck to the watchman of the school.

"Shit sorry!" Saying this she ran ignoring the pain of her foot.

"Ozu-san isn't she rude to you" Haruto spoke so quiet that even he was unsure if the man holding his hands heard his voice.

The black-suit man looked down, "Huh? Who Ruto-sama?" Ozu asked.

Haruto still walked looking down and gulped, "That girl who we just bumped into" hearing this Ozu sighed in understanding.

"You should not pay attention to these stuff. It was just any other girl who was annoyed". Haruto had already seen her foot when his attention was on ground when they were arguing.

"She was hurt too." Haruto whispered. Ozu raised a brow hearing him.

"You still think you could have treat her Haruto-sama" Haruto raised his head to look at Ozu-san who blankly stared at him. Haruto knew that Ozu-san was well aware of the answer.

Haruto sighed and shaked his head in a 'No' sign. Ozu-san just patted his shoulder and told Haruto to get in the car.

'I wish I would've treated her in anyway. But I cannot and I should stop thinking about it everytime. I can't be a doctor anyways' Haruto's thought were interrupted when he heard heavy sound of rain. He lazily glanced outside the window and accidentally saw the mirror of the car. He gripped the handle tightly seeing the back the same girl who was sprinting in rain with worn out shoulders.

'I want to meet you again'

Yeeun stiffled her yawn with the back of her hand. She was getting tired honestly hearing nonsense from Ms.Takada who was animatedly speaking about his article which was quite inappropriate.

Yeeun couldn't handle anymore so she raised her hand. Ms.Takada's ranting stopped. Everyone looked towards her.

"Can you please tell us the important point here instead of who were the clients sex-parntners". Everyone stiffle their laugh and Yeeun smirked seeing Ms. Takada's red embarrassed face.

And there goes another day of a boring office work. Yeeun ddint actually hate her job at Jubley Hill but not was she too fond of it. The only thing she can bear is-

"Here's your black coffee" came her lifesaver's voice. Nakamoto Yuta aka Her lifesaver also her best friend in this company.

"Oh gosh, Did I tell you how much I love you? Probably many times isn't it?" Yuto gaver her a smack on her head lightly earning a pout from Yeeun.

"Did I tell you how much pain in ass you are ? Seriously why did you even asked the question, I kind of pity Ms.Takada now..." Yeeun snickered seeing Yuta's dramatic face.

Yeeun would say she is one of the luckiest person in here because she could be Yuta's friend. Yuta looks quite an unapproachable-guy but last year when they worked on the Earth-day special article together they have gotten close. And Yeeun broke Yuta's shell, she had to admit he was quite nervous and shy and would hardly smile. But now he would laugh and crack at her stories easily, and once he cried too when his mother passed away. Yeeun had to comfort him and she could agree that even she felt quite comfortable around him.

"You know I am literally 3 years younger than you! Any way I've heard that we are getting today off" Yeeun heard the gossip. Yuta shrugged making Yeeun sulk in her seat.

"Ms.Yeeun" Came Lee's voice. Yeeun quickly straightned her posture. Yuta too turned around.

"You can leave as it's a day off from now" Lee ordered and Yeeun mentally sighed.

"I know it's not my place to ask but Boss, why are we getting a day off today" Yeeun glared at Yuta who was still facing Boss Lee. Why did he had to ask? It's not our business anyway.

Suddenly Boss Lee came closer to them and removed from his bag a camera. Yeeun just raised her brow confused at his actions.
"Actually I am going to do some investigating in the SH industry" he whispered as it's something a secret that he is telling.

Yuta gasped and immediately closed his mouth at Boss Lee's glare. "S-sorry Boss, but why? I mean why are you doing that?" Yuta murmured looking shocked.

Yeeun couldn't help but speak,"I really hate to break your plan Boss..but don't you think you are going to just stalk them by just yourself, I would say you should appoint someone else who could be ready to write your article to go and find about them instead of you doing that ? Right Yuta-san?" Yeeun spit out her thoughts making Yuta grin amusedly. Well Yeeun, knew she was too good in this field so she could always help her not-so-stupid boss out of his misery.

Lee processed the words of Yeeun and then gave her a small nod of approval. Unfortunately she would not get paid more for this exchange.

"You are..right Ms.Jang i suppose we could do that" then Lee looked at her determinedly which made her think.

'Oh no! No! No! No! You got be-'

"I appoint you to take care of this project for now. And I trust you with your amazing work so, you don't worry" Yeeun smiled through her pain understanding.

Lee was about to leave but stopped abruptly, "And one more thing, tomorrow you arrive early at 7 so I could inform you more and also...you are getting high reward this month.." saying this he left. Yuta chuckled at her fallen face.

Yeeun groaned. "God I need a drink tonight to be prepared for tomorrow"

Never Be The Same||~W.HARUTO Where stories live. Discover now