Chapter 1

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The large pod bursts through the sky, the loud noise echoing through the sky before it lands on the Earth's surface. The dropship doors creak from its old age as the hatch falls into the solid ground. The pollen and dirt kicking up at the disturbance. The sun's natural rays illuminate through the metal door as fresh air fills each and every lung inside. The sweet freshness of earth and green touching each person for the first time. A shout from an inmate echoes through the forest, her excitement ecstatic, jumping from one person to the next.

"We're back bitches!!" With her declaration she dashes forward, followed by the rest of the delinquents who begin to holler and run, enjoying their first real taste of freedom.

A man standing out from the rest sporting an Ark issued Guard jacket embraces the loud brunette. His very own little sister who was taken from him and his mother over a year ago. While the siblings reunite the hundred teens and children run wild and free, running through the trees and jumping through the bushes. The soft doe feel of the leaves brushing against their skin as the breeze fills their bodies with real air. Not recycled, filtered air created by a machine, but natural oxygen created by the life growing around them.

A full day passes by, then another, before the hunger begins to set in at full speed. The Ark had sent the hundred to the ground in an unorthodox experiment to see if the ground was survivable or deadly. Their dropship meant to land in a destination equipped to help them survive if the radiation did not take their lives. However their coordination was off and the hundred had to fend for themselves. There were no supplies, shelters, or food to help them move forward, leaving the delinquents to figure out a way to survive on their own.

With the help of the former guard he takes charge, along with a right hand man and former Alpha station resident Nathan Miller, to keep them alive. There was chaos and very few rules, but Bellamy made sure to give direction and orders when called for, such as hunting and gathering parties. A select few would hunt animals for protein while the others gather nuts and plants for vitamins. If they could stumble upon supplies, all the better. They used debris from the dropship for weapons, such as spears and knives, and the belts for backpacks.

However it wasn't enough. They needed more water and a larger hunting ground. Within the past two days several hunters have gone missing and their water supply was slim. Knowing what needed to be done Bellamy gathers a small group of those he trusts for scouting and hunting for the day, one or which was his own little sister. Octavia refuses to stay behind like she has before. Against his own reasoning Bellamy allows his sister tag along for their day trip.

They found small game on their way through the forest, and it seemed as if luck was on their side when they stumbled upon an entire river of fresh water. Not a simple creek that easily dried up during the hot days, but a full body of water.

"No fucking way."

"Bell look!" Octavia exclaims. Her brother smiles by her side and watches as his sister leans down and sips the cold water.

"You know all this hiking is exhausting. I say we rest here for a while." Bellamy looks at Finn as he says this with a raised brow. "I mean, come on Bellamy. Look around! Fresh water, nice sun light. No predators in sight."

"Spacewalkers got a point man," Miller points out. "I say we camp for an hour or so. Rest our legs till we head back to camp."

"Fine but one hour only! We need to be back before sundown."

"Yes!" Octavia and Jasper shout in excitement, high diving one another as they jump.

"You know what sounds even better?" The group looks to Octavia as she smirks. "How about a swim?"

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