Chapter 10

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Bellamy waits for Clarke to ascend first before following close after where the others were lingering in wait. The others stay back and walk towards their cabin but Bellamy stays behind. He should be with his people, to lead them and discuss what may happen, but he can't guide them with any updates without information. And Clarke needed the support to go through with her plan. She doesn't say anything as Bellamy sits next to her at the table nor does she acknowledge his presence. All she could do was stare at the head of the table where Thelonius Jaha sat next to the commander. They made good time it seemed as the meeting was about to begin. Most of the language spoke Bellamy couldn't understand but it seemed Clarke wasn't paying attention to anything or anyone except Jaha. Not even Diyoza's worried expression caught her eye. All of Clarke's focus was ahead.

The meeting is slow in the beginning as they discuss the changes made and what to do next. Back and forth the grounders went with what to do with the hundred and the potential for more Sky people coming down. Even if the delinquents haven't heard from their home in space, it doesn't mean that others won't descend another day. Clarke stays silent for the entirety of the meeting until Jaha begins to take the lead on how best to handle the hundred. As if his word is law. Once more he wants to separate the hundred by force, a random lottery to determine where they go and stay. 

"I only want what is best for my people. To ensure their survival the hundred must leave. As many as possible." Clarke stands abruptly with her hand slamming on the table. The chip balled into her fist.  "Clarke, please. I know how you feel on this matter but it's what must be done."

"And you just get to decide that, huh? As if you know what's best for your people." She growls. "Tell me, Chancellor, how can you claim to know what's best for Trikru when you've been lying to us all for years!"

Jaha tries to calm her, talk her down, but Clarke wants to hear none of it. Instead she ignores Jaha's pleas and attempts at silencing her as she requests a projector to be brought in. The council murmurs among themselves while Jaha begins to fret. Asking again and again what is going on, for Clarke's theatrics to stop, but the young woman was driven with anger, pain, and revenge. Nothing short of a bullet in her mind would stop Clarke Griffin when she set her mind to a task. Especially when it came to those she loved.

"Clarke, what is this about?" Lexa asks above all the murmurs as the old machine is brought in.

Their tech was limited, especially in Trikru. But after years of scavenging old books and learning from their ancestors and scraping up parts from ruins of the old world, Trikru and it's members were able to configure electricity and minimal appliances and machines into their community. But their supply of resources for them to work was limited with their solar power. So to use it now meant only one thing- this was important.

"This is about the truth. And justice." Her eyes pierce into his own with a determination Bellamy has never seen on anyone in his life. He knew what this meant to Clarke, defending her father's death and getting the justice his wrongful murder deserves. He notices very quickly how concern and frustration from the interruption morphs into confusion among the various members of the grounders council.

"What truth or justice?" Lexa asks. Clarke's sneer turns into a smirk as she reveals the drive in her palm.

"The kind that our  chancellor tried very very hard to bury into the guts of the dead." She hands Wells the drive and Jaha looks shocked as his son takes the drive and inserts it.

Clarke walks slowly around the table as it plays. All delegates and even Lexa watch closely. Their on screen it shows Clarke running for the gate, only to stop as she looks over her shoulder. An older woman comes to the screen and quickly drags Clarke away behind the gates her mother dragging her away. Only few moments pass before two more figures come into view of the screen, One was the chance for himself the other another man Bellamy has never seen before. Clarke's father. But what didn't make sense was how the Thelonius had not only closed the gate behind him but locked it before his very own friend could reach it. There's no audio, not only because the cameras were so old but the distance was too far. The one thing was for certain, Jaha was leaving Jake Griffin to die.

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