Chapter 6

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Life on earth was not at all what the hundred expected it to be. Surely not the existence of living dead, and yet somehow there were still survivors. People on the ground were thriving. Once everyone arrives in Trikru territory the hundred are unloaded and led through the area quickly where their shelters are held. Even with the urgency of being ushered towards an unknown destination most of the delinquents were too stunned to make hast as they were far too amazed by the grounders societal advancement and ingenuity.

It also made since of why they were called Trikru in the first place. Not a single home was on the ground, Their gardens grew from the trees or self planted in greenhouses. It was so much more.

Clarke and Diyoza work together to bring everyone up into the center of the village through a staircase while the others keep watch for stragglers. Trikru had many traps and precautions set in place to keep large numbers of walkers at bay but there were always a few that found their way around the traps. Within half an hour the delinquents from the Ark are above ground and in the society of Trikru. It was large enough to fit most of the hundred.

Once above the Earth's surface the hundred are led to several large houses where they will split into groups of fifteen to twenty. But first the delinquents are introduced with the chancellor or the village. A man who stood waiting for them to arrive.

The leader of Trikru greets the hundred happily all the whole throwing glances in Clarke's direction. Jaha is unpleased and quite annoyed, that much was obvious, but Clarke knew there was nothing to be done now. During the duration of the meeting his attempt at throwing disapproving glances and dirty looks in her direction were simply met with a look of her own or completely being ignored. Clarke does well with masking her emotions on the surface, but the tension in her body was a dead giveaway to Bellamy as she stood beside him. With her arms crossed over her chest she stared down Jaha with a vengeful eye as her body stiffened with each glance he threw her way.

When his introduction speech is over, the hundred are led to several tree houses cleared and made ready for their large number. Until a more solid plan is made the delinquents are split into five separate houses, each with enough space to hold 15- 20 teens. It wasn't without effort that the grounder clan made room for the unexpected guests, but with the help of everyone in Trikru enough cots were collected, blankets, and supplies for everyone. The largest homes were cleared and easily made accessible for the new members of the clan. 

As the speech ends and the hundred make themselves at home Jaha makes his way towards their savior- Clarke.

"Clarke we need to discuss this privately." He insists as she tries to disappear.  Belly wasn't directly near the grounders but close enough to hear the chancellor and see the irritation on Clarke's face. She was moments away from giving the man a shiner on his cheek if he didn't back off. Apart of Bellamy did want to see that but the other knew it would do no one any good if she punched her clans leader in front of the newcomers in their home.

"Hey princess!" He calls, "Think you can show me around? Get a better feel of the place."

Seeing as he was the leader of his people it made the most sense for him to have the full tour. If his people were to stay, who better to determine if it's safe or not than Bellamy? Clarke knew exactly what Bellamy was doing, the look in his dark brown eyes was obvious to her, but not to Jaha. Thankful for his quick thinking and more than happy to escape Jaha's horrible attempt at making conversation, she leads Bellamy away and into the outside. But of course she doesn't leave without a small parting favor for the chancellor. Just before the doors close Clarke makes sure the single bird she flips meets his gaze before taking off with Bellamy in toe.

As she steps foot onto one of the bridges connecting the trees a noise nearby catches their attention. Parallel to them was a group of small children on another bridge training, some with spears, others with swords and arms, all wooden of course. Until they were ready for the real thing all children were given placebo weapons. Feeling his gaze Clarke looks over her shoulder finding Bellamy glancing between her and the children, a curious look in his dark brown eyes. 

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