Chapter 7

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A week has passed since the hundred were brought into the grounder clan Trikru. The grounders were welcoming enough to the delinquents from space and kind enough to help them survive. However their arrangement could not last forever. Bringing in our cats was difficult on an average day, but to bring in one hundred all at once put Trikru and all it's members in a dangerous bind. While the grounders had trade food would soon be short, and the hundred did not know anything about how to contribute to this new world on Earth. While the members of the clan were more than willing to show the teens from the sky, their leader was more adamant about separating them as soon as possible.

Jaha sets a meeting for those that play a major part of the skaikru and members of the clan on how to proceed before their resources are dispersed entirely.  The chancellor's one and only solution? To get rid of hundred as soon as possible. By dispersing the number of sky people in their clan they have less risk of dying themselves.

Bellamy understands where the Chancellor of Trikru was coming from. But to force the hundred back into the world, a world of which they do not understand, is the same as tossing them to one of the dead himself. Just as he left his own friend for the dead and his own daughter watched it unfold. Something that Clarke would never, ever forget.

When it comes to Jaha Clarke tries to avoid whatever meeting or assignment is at play at all costs. Even today. But because it had to do with the hundred and essentially Bellamy's people she came. Of course she came late but she wasn't alone. She was followed by the two girls. Her intrusion only furthers Jaha's annoyance; something Bellamy's sure she planned on purpose. The blonde sits in the seat next to Bellamy, her gaze everywhere else but the chancellor himself. The oldest girl, Hope, waves at Bellamy and sits next to Clarke while the other girl sits in Clarke's lap with her arms draped over her shoulders. Clarke holds her close and plays with Hope, ignoring Jaha as he spoke. Bellamy sees Jaha eye her with annoyance but says nothing of the young woman's actions, and she to him. She scoffs and mumbles under breath time to time forcing a few chuckles from Bellamy when he could hear her words.

She meets his eye when she hers him and smirks knowingly as Mari turns around in her lap. The irritation on Jaha was more pronounced, but Clarke didn't care. Bellamy should be paying closer attention, he is the leader of his people after all. But the distraction of Clarke braiding the little ones hair as Madi plays patty-cake with Hope was too much. Besides, Jaha was practically repeating the same thing over and over again in a different way to justify his actions. Dame as any and every politician. That was one thing the Arkers and grounders had in common it seemed. Maybe it was human nature for politicians and people in power to be corrupt no matter where they come from.

Jaha plans on having a meeting with the commander of the grounders and her council of delegates to make a more solid plan on moving the hundred around evenly in groups. There are 12 clans altogether, and it will be up to the leaders of each and the commander herself on where the hundred will be placed.

Many of the delinquents argue and start to resist. Outraged by being forced apart. They were forced to leave the only home they've ever known twice. The first when the Ark sent them to Earth to die, the second when they had to leave the dropship, but in both instances they stayed together. They fought and survived together. The hundred were a family and the grounders wanted to tear them apart.

"I understand your hesitation, and I sympathize with you all. But for the survival of our clan, and the human race as a whole, you can't stay together." Jaha tries to simmer down the group before a riot starts.

While the group in this meeting were  important spokesman and women they were still teenagers. A fact Jaha wants them to remember. They are not mature enough to understand the gravity of everyone's situation, not just their own. It was then and only then that Clarke's full attention was grabbed. Her voice carries through the structure as she sets Madi down and stands.

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