Chapter 1 part 1

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8 years ago.

"Faye, baby. Wake up!" Mommy's voice called. I rubbed my eyes. "Mommy?"

"It's about time, sleepy pants." Mommy said playfully. I sat up on my bed, groggy. Mommy was smiling like always and had her bun in a braid to the side. "Why am I up so early?" She started picking out some clothes an laying them out.

"We're going camping remember? With Miranda and her son, Konnor." She explained. "Oh."

"Now get out of bed, brush your teeth, and get dressed. They're coming over in a half hour." I hummed my response. She walked out of the room after placing kissing my forehead. I swung my feet over and dragged myself to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and did my business. After that I slipped on the brown tank top and black leggings, along with some socks and the shoes we bought last week.

I came downstairs to see a cooler on the corner of the kitchen counter, two backpacks, one smaller than the other, a tent and my breakfast. I jumped up the chair and started scarfing down my breakfast. I was eating my eggs when the doorbell rung. Mom went to get the door, and behind it was a tall and slender woman. All I could think was she was so beautiful, no wonder her and my mother were friends.

She had blonde hair and blazing blue eyes, her skin was flawless and radiant. My mother had the same glowing skin, but her hair was a sandy blonde. It was soft and silky, and something I always loved about her. Right next to the woman was a boy. Probably my age, but MUCH taller. He had the same blonde hair and blue eyes. But he was somewhat intimidating. His arms were crossed and he had a small scowl on his face. I jumped up from the chair to get greet him and the woman. Mommy and the woman were hugging and greeting each other cheerfully why we did nothing of the sort. Me being me, I hid behind mother's leg.

"Faye, come out and meet Konnor." Mommy said. I came out slightly. So this is Konnor. He looks nice, maybe. In a nightmare-ish way.

"Don't be rude say hi." The woman gestured. "Hi." He grunted.

"Faye, this is Miranda. She's my oldest and bestest friend."

Miranda smiled brightly. "Hi." She stuck out her hand and I placed my small one in it. "Aren't you the most adorable thing?" I smiled a little. A throat cleared. "Well sorry honey, but you're only handsome, not adorable." Miranda joked. "Well what about when I was a baby?" Konnor asked. She tilted her head to the side. "Hmmm.... Sorry, she's still got you beat." I giggled and Konnor just rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Mother asked me to go back inside and gather the two back packs while she would bring the cooler and tents into the van. The trunk was already loaded with Konnor's backpack and Miranda's. Along with their tent, backpacks and some food. Mom took the front seat while Miranda drove. They laughed and talked the entire time while Konnor and I.... Not so much. He had a Dsi and was playing viciously. I just played with my fingers until I fell asleep.

I don't know how long I was out, but I was on something, something hard. I opened my eyes and to my surprise I was on Konnor's shoulder, who was still playing on his Dsi. "About time you woke up my arm was getting tired."

I blinked again, how did this happen? "Sorry." I looked outside to see that we stopped, Konnor noticed as well so he looked out and opened the door. "Whatever." He closed his Dsi and left. I unbuckled myself and and climbed out, making sure I closed the door. Mommy and Miranda were already taking out the tents and food and coolers. We had to walk a while, maybe and hour, downhill and uphill. After awhile we found a perfect site got the place set up. Konnor gathered fire wood and placed them in the middle after Miranda chopped them. I helped mom set up Miranda's and Konnor's tent.

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