Chapter 2 part 2

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I wake up. My head is pounding and my arm is throbbing. I look to my side to find Konnor asleep, right next to me. As in, his arm is around me and my head is cradled in his chest. Usually I would find this awkward but, I find this very comfortable. I feel safe. As if no one can hurt me. "Konnor." He tosses. "Konnor!" I say a little louder. This time his eyes open and he looks at me to see if I'm ok.

Seeing that I'm safe, he sighs. "Yes?" He cradles my head back in his arms. "What happened?" I whisper playing with the buttons on his shirt. "You got my pin," he chuckles and so do I. "But then your hands slipped, I think and you fell." It's all coming back. I remember it now. That explains all the pain throughout my body. "You're so stupid, you could've died!" He slaps the back of my head lightly. He sees the sad look on my face and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I shouldn't have climbed up."

"Don't do it again." He tells me. "I promise." We stayed like that for a while. I felt very safe, and warm. They were like the hugs daddy gave me. Soon, we got up and started playing some games around camp.

A couple hours later, mommy gives me some pain meds and water. Later we roast some marshmallows and make s'mores. We shared stories and memories. Like the time when I was three and snuck around the bars and fed a giraffe when we were at the zoo. And the time where I was trying to learn how to ride a bicycle three years ago and rode into a tree. I was munching on my 3rd s'more when Konnor moved, and sat right next to me scarfing his probably 7th. Then I wondered something. "Mommy, how did you and dad meet?" I always wondered, because ever since he died when I was three, mom never talked about him again. You could tell her face was a mixture of happiness, sadness and shock.

"Well, it was the 6th grade." Wow I can't believe they've known each other for so long. "And I was the new kid. It was super hard for me to fit in, and I was constantly being picked on for being so short." But she seems so tall to me. "And one day in the halls, a group of kids walked past me, and one of them decided to stick their foot out causing me to fall. All my books and papers fell to the ground and hurriedly tried to pick them up before the bell rung, but I had a lot of stuff. Then one of the kids from the group, your father, came and helped picked up all my binders and folders. He had electrifying eyes and dark hair. He even had the cute freckles you have." It's was true. I was always told that I have mommy's eyes, but I told the, that was silly. Her eyes are on her face! That always made everyone laugh. But I loved my freckles, maybe because it reminded me of dad.

"Anyways, he apologized and walked me to class. Even though it meant that I would be on time and he wouldn't. And The next day, I found out the he was the most popular guy in school. And ever since that day, he would walk me to class, sit with me at lunch, and talk to me constantly." I saw the beautiful smile only daddy could bring out. Not me, but daddy. It made me sad that he wasn't here anymore to make mommy smile.

I remember one day when I came home from school, I found mom crying. "Mommy? Mommy, what's wrong?" She kept sobbing. "Where's daddy?" She sobbed harder. She picked up her head from her crossed arms and picked me up. She placed me into her laps and kissed me on my forehead. "Daddy's gonna be gone for a while, but he'll want you to be happy, ok?" I never knew what she meant. Was he going on business trip? Those always took him so long. But ever since that day, I never saw him again.

Miranda was smiling brightly, but her eyes were sad. Mommy's were even sadder. Miranda looks at her watch. "Oh! It's getting late! We should get some sleep." I clap my hand to get rid of the crumbs on my hands and Konnor's licks his fingers but Miranda gets a little mad and goes tell him to wash his hands. After some arguing, he groaned and walked to the stream nearby. "Why don't you go wash your hands too?" Mommy suggested. I nodded my head and walked over.

I dipped my sticky hand into the cool water and could feel the guck washing off. "Do you want to share a tent?" I looked to my left where Konnor was. Why was he asking me? I though he didn't like me. "Our moms haven't seen each other in sometime, so I wanna give them a tent, plus I have to make sure you don't get more hurt than you are now. We both know how clumsy you are." He gives me a wink and I giggle. "Okay, I want mommy to spend some time with Miranda too." He nods.

We start walking back to back to the tent and Konnor and I tell mommy that we want to share a tent. They both said, and blew out the fire. Cato unzipped the tent and went in first. I closed the tent and handed Cato's the lantern. We both snuggled up in or sleeping bags. Cato was about to turn off the light. "Faye?"

I yawned, "Yeah?"

"Remember when I told you about the pin that in my shirt?"


"Well, um," He started scratching the back of his head. I my eyebrows raised.

"Well, what?"

"It kinda turned out that they were in the pocket in my pants...."


He started bursting out laughing. He kept trying to say something but the laughter would over come him.

"I'm sorry," He managed to blurt out. "I really thought they were on the shirt." I face palmed. He started laughing again. I rubbed my eyes.

"You know, what forget about it, I'm tired." I turned around and laid down.

"Okay, 'night." He turned off the light and turned away from me. I could still hear him chuckling.

We camped for three days. Everyday we did something fun and learned more about each other. And everyday Cato irritated me more and more. On the second day we spotted several deer and even a red fox. We also met other campers, and went swimming again by the water fall. On the third day, I caught a bunny! Well, Cato did but he gave it to me to say sorry about my injuries from before. I named her Aqua, mostly because we found her drowning in the stream and her fur was a slight tint of blue.

It took me hours to beg mommy for me to keep it. I refused to eat, walk or help pack up. Konnor had I carry me since I refused to walk, but since there was so many things to pack, mommy caved and agreed to let me keep it. After that, I did everything she told me to do and I could already see the relief in her face. I walked next to Cato to the car with Aqua in my arms. "Do you want to hang out Thursday?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'll have to ask."

"She'll probably say yes, just to hang out with my mom."

I giggled. "Probably. But what do you what to do?"

"We could go swimming, I have a pool in the backyard."

"Really? Cool!" He smiled.

"So are you cool with that?"

"Yeah, that sounds awesome!"

Mommy and Miranda had already put away the tents, coolers, food and other supplies while we were talking. The car ride back was just as nauseating as the car ride here. And once again I found myself dozing off on Konnor's shoulder.

Maybe, maybe not.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang