Chapter 8 - The Marriage

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You guys rock! I've been getting so many reviews! Keep them coming in!

This chapter isn't as great as some of the other chapters, but I hope you'll continue reading.

The next chapter "might" have a "little" more suspense, if you know what I mean. - Wink Wink -

Read & Review! It means a lot to me!

AshGrey: I absolutely love reading your reviews! You make me want to keep writing (: You remind me of myself! We react the same way, Haha. And it doesn't hurt to let your family know that you have feelings too! Cry your heart out! Also, I was just curious on what others thought about Usui and Misaki sleeping with each other. IF I decided to make a story about them, I wanted to know what people would prefer.

.Special: I'm right there with you! Even I don't know what's going to happen next. I think that's the problem with me. I'm soo excited about what's going to happen, so sometimes the story is a bit rushed. I'm sorry this chapter didn't have as much suspense!

Guest (The one who commented about details): Thank you so much for telling me that! Sometimes I felt that it'd be boring if I spent a long time just explaining details, but in this chapter, I tried to be more descriptive! Let me know what you think, okay? Ah, Also, since you're a guest, please indicate that you're the person who asked about the details! Thanks again!

Kitkat: Omg, you made me so happy! :D I'm trying to update as fast as possible! I got 8 chapters in 2 days, not bad right? BTW, I absolutely LOVEEE KIT KATS! Sorry, random fact about me, Haha. Thanks for reviewing though! You are AWESOME!

xXLillianaXx: I know exactly how you feel! Oh my goshhh! After I wrote that chapter, I wanted to work on the next one ASAP! I couldn't wait to see how I was going to continue in this chapter. I know this chapter probably isn't as interesting as others, but I promise I'll work harder in the next chapter!

Ishita.d: I know the story felt kind of rushed for me too. Thanks for letting me know! I get really excited about the main points of the story, so sometimes (Okay, I guess it happens a lot) I rush parts just so I can start writing the more "suspenseful" parts. I'm a such a bad writer, I really shouldn't be rushing.

Jui2014: Haha, I hope you did well on your test! I've been in the exact same situation as you. It happens to me all the time. Actually, it happened when I was reading your stories. Isn't that a coincidence? xD

ShannonJacob21: Thank you! Even that simple statement made my day! I hope you'll continue reading and reviewing. I love reading and responding to reviews.

Famous0618: I feel so appreciated! Thank you so much! Keep me posted on how you feel about each chapter okay? (:

I also have this story on Wattpad! My name on Wattpad is " TheERain " . You can also find this story by searching "Serendipity"


The Marriage

"Hello?" Misa waved her hands in front of the stunned twins' faces.

Hiku and Miku looked at each other. In one swift movement, they ran out of the shop, and ran far away from the shop.

"Oh my god. I-i-i-it's her," Miku stuttered.

"I-I-I k-know," Hiku sputtered.

Both children we out of breath. They couldn't believe what just happened. They just looked at each other and leaned against a wall of a building. They had just met their mother. Their mother. Their father's wife. The wife of their father. The woman who-

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