New Relationships

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"Yes!" You say. Everyone leaves the room except for you two, y'all get in bed and cuddle. "So Sofie and Cooper huh?" He says.

"Yeah..kinda weird, but I guess this is kinda weird because who would have seen us dating y'know." You say laughing as he looks at you shocked. "Harsh!" He says as y'all laugh together. "Y'know when I first met you, I loved you from first sight, and now here we are, I never would've thought I would be sitting here doing this with you." He says. You look at him and smile then he kisses you. Y'all stay up talking for another hour or so then y'all go to bed.

In the morning, you get up, shower, change, then brush your teeth. "Morning babe!" You say as Noah is stretching in the bed. "Good morning!" He says. You go downstairs to get some coffee and to cook breakfast for everyone. "BREAKFAST IS READY!" You say as you get the sausage, biscuits, and bacon out of the oven. Everyone comes to the kitchen as your setting the table. Sofie and Cooper come out of their room the same way they did last night (last chapter). They came out a little bit later than everyone else though. They didn't come out of the room together but their rooms have a bathroom connected so I think that's why. Whenever Liv and Nick came in, they didn't say anything to me and Noah. Once we started eating Cooper broke the silence by saying, "well this is awkward..." but of course, Sofie slapped his stomach to get him to shut up...again. After he says that Liv says, "Well since this is awkward I'll say something! Are the two little sluts dating?" Cooper looks at her and says, "which people?" Sofie rolls her eyes and shakes her head once he says that. Liv points to us.

"Actually yes! We are!" You say. Then Sofie adds on, "Please don't get mad Stacy but we are too.."

"It's ok! I'm not mad!" You say. "Well since your ok with relationships might as well say this! Me and Nick are dating!" Liv says.

After breakfast y'all don't do much y'all just hang out and that type of stuff.


You go to upstairs to the balcony of your room. You stand there looking out onto the beach. Noah walks up behind you and hugs you from behind. "You know I find it very attractive when guys do hugs from behind." You say. "Hmm, I might need to start doing it more often then." He says and you agree as you turn around and kiss him. After the kiss, y'all walk into the room and go to bed. "Goodnight baby." He says. "Goodnight." You say.

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