Las Angeles Baby!

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*ok so before this chapter starts I just wanna say, I don't really have anything that I want to happen from the party up until Christmas so it is already Christmas now so yeah! Sry if you don't like that. I just don't have anything to happen but i do for Christmas.*


"Finally! It's Christmas break!" Claire says, "do y'all want to go to Las Angeles? My parents have a house there!" Claire says excitedly. Everyone asks their parents and they are allowed to go.

"Can me and Nick drive together?" You ask Claire as she agrees that y'all can.

Y'all start driving the next day. Every few hours y'all switch between who drives. Y'all stop at a hotel halfway there.

The next day, y'all wake up early that way y'all can get there earlier. Y'all get there at 1:00. You brought a Polaroid that way you can take pictures while you're there. Whenever y'all arrive, y'all take a picture. Once it comes out, he writes something on it. You never read what it says you just admire the photo.

Once everyone gets there and it's sunset you and Nick walk out to the beach. There are roses on the sand looking like a pathway and at the end there is an archway. Y'all walk to the end and then you watch as he gets down on one knee.

"Stacy Elizabeth Jones, will you marry me? I know we have been dating for the past months, since we dated before that, I count it as longer. I love you and will always love you so please say yes." He says as he pulls out a box with a ring in it.

     "YES! YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" You yell as he puts the ring on your finger, picks you up, hugs you, and kisses you. "Oh my god! Did y'all know about this?" You ask everyone as they all walk out from hiding and say yes.

     You and Nick go to y'all's room and y'all start to make out on the bed.

     "Damn! I already love Los Angeles baby!" You say as y'all continue making out.

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