PottersFanFest | Puzzle 1

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Hey there Potterheads,

The Wizarding World is a maze with clues and with clues we solve challenges. Be it Newt Scamander in his trials with Grindelwald, or the Marauders seeking to make the most mischief, or Fred and George finding the clues to piece together the secrets of the Marauders' map, or the Golden trio fighting evil, or even the next generation saving the Potterverse, there's magic and there's logic.

So, this May, from WattpadPotterverse we have brought you an exciting challenge. Piece together the clues we leave you in the activities. Each clue takes you a step closer to the answer to the ULTIMATE BIG QUESTION.

Get ready with your brain and brawn, for you have the chance to be the Nancy Drew of the Wizarding World.


▸ You have to solve the puzzles and leave your answer in the comment below

▸ You can only answer once, so think wisely beforehand

▸ You can also give the reason why you think it is the answer.

▸ You have till the end of May to come up with the answer to the big question

The first puzzle

Snape has presented the class with a mystery potion. The potion is a mixture of two or more elements selected from a stock of exactly five different elements labeled Fire seed, Griffin claw, Honeywater, Jewelweed, and Kneazle hair. The professor knows that a formula for the potion is acceptable if and only if it does not violate any of the rules listed below.

If the potion contains Fire seed, it must also contain Honeywater, and there must be twice as much Honeywater as Fireseed.

If the perfume contains Griffin claw, it must also contain Jewelweed, and the amount of Jewelweed must equal the amount of Griffinclaw.

Honeywater cannot be used in combination with Jewelweed.

Jewelweed cannot be used in combination with Kneazle hair.

If the potion contains Kneazle hair, the amount of Kneazle hair must be greater than the total amount of the other element or elements used.

Neville accidentally adds two drops Honeywater and one Kneazle hair the potion turns poison yellow and is now unacceptable. Which element should Hermione tell him to add to turn the potion around and escape from Snape's wrath?

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