PottersFanFest | Challenge Favorites and Riddle Answers

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Hey there Potterheads,

The month of May has ended and so have our International Harry Potter Day celebrations. Let's see if we can tide you over till the next festivities. Before moving on,

We are here with the Writing Challenge Favorites and Riddle Answers for you.

Without further ado, we bring you

Without further ado, we bring you

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The Challenge Favorites


Thing chosen: Butterbeer by @livingthe_writeway

Remus could no longer drink butter beer. It was too traumatizing. Even just a single sip could take him back to old memories. Memories that as a teenager he would have sworn were the best. Memories of running through the castle with the marauders. Memories of dancing in the three broomsticks with Lily after a few too many drinks. Memories of sitting at their usual table the Saturday after a transformation with the marauders, drinking butter beer as they talked about everything and nothing. Memories of sharing a butter beer with Sirius as they snuggled up on his bed. Memories.



Things chosen: The quill, ink pot, and parchment by @LexiBell_King

I could never help it. The second my quill hit the parchment I always zoned out. It was tough trying not to get absorbed by the way the ink flowed. It was like I could see it running onto the parchment and my brain just explored the rhythm it seemed to have.

Can you imagine what it's like. The ink is part of a dancer's shoe. It flows like a river of emotions from the dancer as they move on the parchment. Leaving behind streaks of black until the dancer can't move. Like they've reached the end of their stage.

 Like they've reached the end of their stage

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Now onto the answers to the riddles:

The first puzzle answer

More Kneazle hair

The second puzzle answer

Hogwarts: A History


Hermione Granger-Weasley

Congratulations to everyone who answered perfectly. While no one could answer the second question correctly, we have two winners who have successfully answered the BIG QUESTION. Looks like you pulled a Potter dear winners.

Congratulations @basketballdemon, and @meroceank8921.

Congratulations to the winners.

And we would also like to thank everyone who participated.

On the ending note, we would request you to add this book to your library so that you can stay updated on all the fun activities and games we bring for you.

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