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In coruscant, a young togruta awakes from a terrible nightmare. The togruta opened her eyes revealing her emerald green eye and her diamond blue eye. She sprung out of bed and started to put on her light brown Jedi robes and her dark brown boots. She sprinted towards the Jedi Temple and met up with Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi.
"It seems your late Jai' Leef," Qui Gon said disappointed.
"Sorry, it won't happen again," Jai' Leef replied.

The group awkwardly walked into a starship. Qui Gon started the ship and sat on a chair with his hands behind his head.
"So how come your late then," said Obi Wan.
"Just slept in that's all," exclaimed Jai' Leef.
Obi Wan knew she was lying but didn't speak up. When the landed at the trade federation battleship, they were greeted by TC-14 and taken to a table. "Somethings not right," Obi Wan exclaimed. Qui Gon stayed quiet. Jai looked up at a ventilation system and saw a green smoke coming out from it.

"Hey boys," Jai said pointing at the gas coming from the vents. They both looked and immediately put there robes over their mouth and nose holding in there breath.
"This way," Jai told Obi and Qui Gon. They followed her down a hallway to a massive door.
"It's locked," Obi Wan said.
"I would never of guessed," said Jai mocking Obi Wan.
"No time for arguing. We've got to get out of here," Qui Gon said.

On a vast desert of snow covering the planet known as hoth, a snowflake glided onto a young boys cold, red nose. The boy pulled up his balaclava so it was over his nose and started walking back to his home holding a bucket of dead fish.

When the boy got inside his home, he placed the bucket on a table and searched for a knife. "Ma!" Yelled the boy.
"Yes Zenu" His mother replied.
"Do you know where the knife for cutting fish is?" Zenu asked.
"Have a look on the counter," His mother said.
"Found it!" Zenu yelled.
Zenu placed his hand on the fish and scraped the slimy scales off. He then chopped the fish into smaller pieces and put them on the campfire (which was already lit).

After about 15 minutes, the fish was cooked. Zenu took 3 of the 7 fish and went to his room and checked his half broken holoprojector. He played the new video he got and he was in shock. He showed his mother the video and they immediately started packing necessities and some preferred items such as water, binoculars, a holoprojector, a photo of his mother, a knife and more.

A couple hours later, the ship arrived sending a large force of air messing up his long dirty blonde hair and nearly pushing Zenu to the ground. A ramp came down from the ship and three Jedi walked out calling Zenu's name. Zenu walked towards the ship taking one last look at his mother, who was holding back a tear. "I love you," Zenu said.
"I love you too son," replied his mother.

Zenu stepped onto the ship and took a seat next to other Younglings. The thought that he may never see his mother again was stuck in Zenu's head. He looked left and right at the other younglings. They all looked so confident, proud, happy. The sound of talking caught Zenu's attention. Zenu listened carefully. He could hear them talking about 5 of the 16 of us being extremely powerful within the force and that out of the 13 already at the temple there was only 2 that were powerful within the force. He then heard another Jedi. He didn't sound the same though. His voice was calming and quiet but he spoke backwards. Zenu was intrigued by the jedi's way of speaking.

An hour later, Zenu exited the ship with a crowd of younglings. "Welcome to Coruscant!" said a man. "My name is Jaco," said the man. Jaco took the younglings to the Jedi temple and called over even more younglings. "We've got new younglings make them feel welcome," Jaco said. The younglings started talking to each other while Zenu tried to find the water in his bag. "You looking for this," said a dathomirian boy holding Zenu's water bottle.
"Yes. Thank you," Zenu said grabbing his water.
"No worries. My name is Thano. What's your name?" asked Thano.
"My name is Zenu. I'm from a planet called hoth," Zenu replied. The dathomiran boy looked scary but was actually quite sweet and nice. While the two boys were talking Zenu noticed a large cut down the side of Thano's face that went through his lip and his fiery orange eye.

"Up there. In that vent. We can crawl thr..." said Jai before being interrupted by Obi Wan collapsing to the hard metal floor. Froth poured from Obi Wan's mouth as his eyes began to roll to the back of his head. Jai carried Obi Wan on her shoulders and started cutting through the big door with her green lightsaber. Jai and Qui Gon began to cough on their way out. They then climbed out to see invasion ships and decided they needed to warn Naboo. Because Obi Wan was unconscious and Jai could hardly carry Obi Wan by herself anymore, they two decided they should all go in the same ship.

Jaco pushed a small trolley down a hallway next to where the younglings were training and hurried away. Zenu realised that Jaco left the materials to make a lightsaber hilt in the hallway. Zenu walked up to the trolley and grabbed a couple of rusted metals, a lightsaber blueprint and a lightsaber body and walked over to a desk. He searched his bag for tools and started work on a lightsaber.

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