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The boy woke up handcuffed to a bed hooked up to some medical equipment. He instantly looked at his surroundings and saw a blaster rifle and baton. He checked his pockets and found his lock pick. He used the lock pick to break out of the handcuffs. Afterwards, he pulled the medical equipment off him and grabbed the blaster and baton. Just as he did that the door opened and a woman entered.

"You stole our money we need it back," said the woman, "We dont need to make this difficult Jackson."
"I only have 457 credits on me right now," said Jackson.
"Give me them then," said the woman.
"Ok," said Jackson.
He slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch and placed it on the bed. Then he ran out of the room. The woman opened the pouch to find nothing but pebbles shaped like credits.

The building went into emergency lockdown. Sirens were activated. Troops were sent out. And doors were closing. Jackson sprinted through the hallways with many guards after him. The guards fired blaster bolts at him but Jackson was too agile and dodged most of them except for a couple in the leg, arm and back.
Just as he took a sharp turn right, the doors ahead were centimetres away from closing. Jackson threw his baton into the door and it blocked it. Jackson immediately sprinted towards the door and slid on the floor barely making it through. He had made it to their ship. But Jackson was to weak to walk never mind run so he crawled until he made it to the pilot seat in the ship. He then started pressing random buttons until he went into hyperdrive.

Within a crowded street in Tatooine, stood a boy. The boy was small and skinny, had brown wavy hair, blue eyes, a white long sleeve shirt, beige jeans with a brown belt, a beige hooded vest and a beige neck gaiter. He slipped his hands into a persons pocket and took some credits and then stored them into his pouch.

"Hey!!! That boy is stealing from you!!" yelled a man. All eyes were on Damian as he slowly retreated into a dark alleyway. After reaching some pipes on the side, he used them to climb up the building. 19 other men followed after him. They all had the same jacket on with a symbol on the back and front so they were probably a group or gang. Damian jumped from rooftop to rooftop in a certain direction with the men behind him. He jumped off a rooftop and fell through a window into a house then vaulted out a window on the other side. He then took a sharp right and threw a smoke bomb. He then pulled out his compass and began heading west. A shot was fired towards his directions as he was running. He had been found again.

He made it to a mountain and entered the cave avoiding all bear traps, net traps and trapping pits. After avoiding all of those he made it to his home where he grabbed a slugthrower and climbed to the top of the mountain using a ladder. Afterwards, he took cover behind some scrap metal and aimed down the scope. Just as he aimed down the scope he saw the men running away as fast as possible looking up into the sky. He took his eye of the scope and looked into the sky to see a ship heading straight towards him. He quickly slung his slugthrowers strap over his shoulder and sprinted towards the ladder and slid down into his room, which was more or less a cave with a bed and a bit more. Just as he did that, the ship had crashed into his home. The place was set on fire and just a complete mess.

When Damian awoke he had noticed his leg was stuck under a massive rock. He pulled and pulled but could never get free. Then out of nowhere he no longer felt the pressure of the rock. He rolled over and saw a boy who looked way older than him. "Thank you," said Damian. The boy helped Damian up and took him outside to get some fresh air. "Hey. What's your name???" asked Damian.
"My name. It's Jackson," he replied.
"Damian. Nice to meet you Jackson," said Damian while shaking Jackson's hand firmly.

"Hey sooo... uhh... Damian. Could you help me get some parts for my ship???" asked Jackson.
"Sure I guess but you owe me," replied Damian
Damian and Jackson walked into the mechanics and their plan had begun.
"Hey. You are a mechanic right??" asked Jackson.
"Yeah of course I am mate," said the mechanic with his rough voice sounding almost like he had a cough stuck down the back of his throat.
"Ok well can I speak to you outside??" asked Jackson. The mechanic nodded his head and them two walked outside and began talking.

From the back door entered Damian. He stole all the key parts for the ship and a key for another ship, which was in the shipyard. He then put the parts in a random trolley he found and ran away. He then waited for Jackson to come back to the ship.

After Jackson made it back, they both worked together to start repairing the ship but Jackson accidentally put one of the parts in the wrong place so when the did a test run (by turning on the engine and running away), the whole ship blew up.

Star Wars : Malicious Marauderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें