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The two boys looked at the ship in horror until Damian pulled some keys out of his pocket.
"Thank god I brought these hey." He said laughing a little. They then climbed aboard the stolen ship and flew into space.

"Zenu!!!" A woman yelled before signalling him to come over. Zenu followed the woman to meet the Jedi Masters again.
"Zenu... we are thinking of throwing you out of here. Do you want to be thrown out???" Aliss asked.
"No ma'am." He said clearly scared.
"Then I suggest you start behaving from now on." She said before shooing him out and whispering to Yoda.

Zenu then went back to the others and climbed into bed before falling asleep not long after. He then woke up at the darkest hour and noticed Will climb out his bed. He followed him carefully and quietly with his lightsaber in his hands. Will walked down a long hallway before taking a sharp right. When Zenu followed, a shadowy figure emerged out from the darkness. Zenu immediately lit his lightsaber and fought the figure. Zenu was getting comfortably destroyed in this battle. Whenever his swings were too heavy, the figure would just trip him up. Whenever he forgot to block, the figure would strike him. This happened until Zenu was unarmed and on the floor. His fate seemed sealed. The figure pointed their lightsaber at his neck and held his hand out. Scared to death, Zenu took his hand and was given a kyber crystal. It was purple and very hot. When he held it in his hand, it burned his palm but he never let go of it. Only held it tighter before awaking.

Once awoken, he could still feel the burning sensation in his hand and he swiftly opened his palm to see a purple crystal in his possession. He then scanned the room to check for any other awoken peers but found nothing except Will's bed being empty. Zenu then quickly searched his backpack for the hilt he had previously made and placed his crystal inside before letting it light up. The weapon started to spit purple sparks before turning back off, this only annoyed Zenu as he grabbed his tools and started work on the weapon. After hours of work, he finally completed it. Yes, it was shorter than most other lightsabers but it still held its purpose.

When the sun had hit, he noticed Will scrambling back into his bed and he went over to confront him. "Hey! Where have you been Will?" He asked, lightsaber in clutch. Will sighed, knowing he couldn't lie to Zenu. "Don't tell on me. I'll show you tomorrow night." He offered, before the two climbed into bed, faking their sleep. Evil whispers couldn't escape his mind as he planted his face onto his pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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