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Jai awoke to the annoying sound of a gungan. She sighed and sat up.
"Where are we?" Jai asked.
"Wesa in da Naboo core," the gungan replied.
Jai walked off into a separate room and pulled out her holoprojector.
"We need you back here. Your on Youngling duty with me today," said Jaco.
"Ok meet me at Naboo," said Jai.
A loud thud caught Jai's attention.
"What's going on?" asked Jai.
" There is always a bigger fish," Qui Gon said.

Jai looked back and saw a hole in the side of the ship. It's leaking. She ran to the hole and held her hand over it.
"We are coming out of the water now," Qui Gon said. The ship door opened and the group walked out.
"Come on Jai. Let's go. Your on youngling duty today," said Jaco who had been awaiting their arrival. Jai looked back at Qui Gon. Qui Gon nodded and Jai left on a ship to coruscant with Jaco. Jai looked at Jaco's dark green eyes and his long, wavy brown hair. "Snap out of it!" she thought to herself.

Zenu hid his custom lightsaber away in his bag and started to talk to Thano and some other younglings.
"Hi Zenu," said the group.
"My name is Will," said the green human.
"Kaline," said the twi'lek.
"I overheard that one of us will be talking to the jedi council today," Thano said.
Straight after Thano said that, Jai and Jaco walked into the room.
"Could we please borrow Will," said Jai. Will walked behind Jaco and Jai until they reached councils chamber.
"Good luck," said Jaco showing a friendly smile.

When he entered, a group of jedi masters surrounded them.
"You. Come here," said Mace Windu. Will slowly but confidently walked towards the middle of the room. Will crossed his arms and stared at Yoda. "Danger, I sense in this boy," said Yoda, "Angry, he feels. To the dark side, anger leads to."
"I assure you I'm not going to turn to the dark side master Yoda," said Will.
"His future doesn't like bright," said Gaju Aliss Quinn. She looked similar to Yoda but wore purple robes and was orange. Her light green eyes glistened in jedi council chamber.

"Jaco," said Jai.
"What," Jaco said.
"Don Ju Tin has entered coruscant somehow," said Jai.
The two ran to the entrance of the jedi temple and there awaited Don Ju Tin. His fiery eyes glared into their souls as he took his cloak off and showed off his brown tattoos and long dathomirian horns. He ignited both of his curved lightsabers and waited for them to attack first. His lightsabers glowed red with a black core down the middle. Jaco ignited his blue lightsaber and Jai ignited her green lightsaber. Jaco attacked first swinging his lightsaber down but it was dodged. Jai ran and swung her lightsaber aiming for Don Ju Tin's hips but being blocked by his lightsaber. While that happened, Jaco blocked Ju Tin's strike. Jai took a step back and attempted to pierce her lightsaber through Ju Tin's stomach. Just before she could do it, Ju Tin backflipped over Jaco and attempted plunged his lightsaber through his back.

Jaco fell to his knees and looked up at Jai. A tear ran down his face as the world froze around him. He fell to the floor. Ju Tin immediately fled the scene in a ship while Jai held Jaco in her arms. Blood gushed from the massive hole in Jaco's body as he looked up at Jai with a smile. He wiped the tears from her eyes. He took off his necklace from around his neck and placed it in her hand. It had a tooth on it with some wave patterned beads. Jai kissed Jaco.
"I love you," Jaco whispered. Those were his last words. Jai took his lightsaber from his body and used two fingers to close his eyes.

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