35.Dude Did You Drink The Whole Fucking Bar?

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"Come on man, let's go

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"Come on man, let's go." A pissed looking Lucca demands, while Matteo grabs the bottle of Jack from my hands.

"I don't want to go," I argue.

"Man, you don't have a choice, we need to leave the bar now, "Lucca threatened.

Dragging me up from my chair, Matteo inhales a whiff of my breath and erupts into a coughing fit.

"Dude, did you drink the whole fucking bar?" Matteo questioned with a disapproving look on his face.

"Shut the fuck up dude you have no right to judge ME, I'm your fucking boss." Which in my head sounded strong but judging by the looks Lucca and Matteo exchanged it came out as sad as I felt.

"Ya uh-huh, come on boss man, "putting his shoulder under my left armpit Lucca looked at Matteo who mimicked his actions but on my right.

Ugh stupid bitchs, I can fucking walk.

All of sudden the only noise that can be heard is the laughs from Matteo and Lucca

Shit did I say that out loud.

With a shit eating grin Matteo chuckles, "yah you did, I don't think I've ever actually seen you tipsy. But minus the whole smell I kind of like this version of you."

Walking out of the bar doors, we're met with the blinding light of the sun, and all I want to do is crawl back in the hole I just came from.

But I've already spent way too much time sulking. Lucca and Matteo have been under a lot of pressure to deal with the press about the bombing, while I've been off day dreaming about Katerina.

But it's time for me to get back in the correct mindset and come up with a game plan for our next move.

"Alright come on let's go to the warehouse, it's time we deal with the people who are after us." I demand.

"What did your dad say about this brilliant plan," Lucca asked me while he was fiddling with one of the rings on his hand

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"What did your dad say about this brilliant plan," Lucca asked me while he was fiddling with one of the rings on his hand.

"I think we all know if the great Vincenzo DeLuca knew that his baby, his lifeline, the only thing he's ever truly loved was about to be abandoned by his son we would know about it because Enzo would be locked away in a dungeon," Matteo chimed.

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