Waking Up in a Fishing Net

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The next thing I remembered was hacking up sea water. My eyes were open, but were covered in a thin layer of salt. I tried blinking to clear the salt and slowly my vision started to clear. Despite my limited vision I felt something around me. My eyes fully snapped open when I heard a voice.

"Well, you're an odd fish to catch."

I spluttered, rather busy vomiting up sea water. Now that my eyes were open and clear of salt, I saw I was half tangled in the net I'd been fished up in. I glanced up, only to freeze at the sight of black and green sails. I was on the Unspeakable, Nathan's ship. They weren't exactly the saviors I hoped for.

"What the flip are you doing in the middle of the sea?"

I scrambled back, panicked, and only succeeded in getting myself more tangled up. My hands were still tied behind my back so I couldn't really move.

"Just put me back," I croaked out.

"Into the ocean?" one of the pirates- the captain- purred. It was Captain Nathan himself. "If you're that eager to die, you could just ask nicely, darling. I can do that for you just fine too. But I believe my first mate asked you a question."

So that was who spoke first. It was Nathan's first mate, Gabriel. I quickly flickered my eyes around, taking note of everyone on board, more notably Nathan, Gabe, James, Cedrick, and Jordan. There were other people around, but I didn't know their names.

Nathan stepped forward, eyes gleaming, and placed the tip of his sword to my throat to keep me still.

"What's a pretty, not dead thing like you doing floating in the middle of the ocean?"

"My, my crew committed mutiny."

The entire crew stayed silent for a few seconds before busting out in uproarious laughter. I flinched and curled into myself. I wasn't used to showing fear. I was a captain after all. At least I was.

"And why would I believe that?" Nathan asked between laughs.

"Would I really be floating half dead in the middle of the ocean if I was lying?"

"Maybe a storm knocked her in the ocean," the second mate, James, spoke up.

"You and I both know that my crew wouldn't have left me behind to drown if I fell overboard in a storm. We both know that there haven't been any storms in the area for weeks. And, if I was thrown overboard in a storm and my crew didn't save me for whatever reason, I wouldn't have survived this long without food and water."

The group stood silent around me.

"Not to mention my hands and feet are tied separately from the net. There's no other explanation than I was supposed to die in the ocean.

Nathan moved the net around and saw my bound limbs. He took his dagger out of its sheath on his leg and cut the rope around my hands. "Maybe you have a point, (L/n). Take her to the brig."

Cedrick and Jordan cut me out of the net and grabbed my by the arms. They dragged me down to the cells. Unlike my last imprisonment, they didn't chain me to the wall. They just dropped me onto the ground and locked the door. I crawled onto the wooden slat chained to the bed as a wall. I was so tired after surviving an attempted murder.

Nathan came in bringing me food when the sun was casting an orange-pink tint on the ocean. The food didn't look that appetizing, but anything would have tasted good after two days of not eating. It looked like some weird mystery meat mush with what looked like chewed up corn spit back out onto a plate. To put it simply, it looked disgusting.

"What's this?"

"Food. Consider it a not-killing-you-yet present. I still don't trust you, (L/n).  As far as I know your crew is coming to get you as we speak."

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