A Nights Rest

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[Artwork is by Lavenderdadragon14 on DeviantArt!]

[I know animatronics don't usually sleep, but in this story they are more uh 'advanced' like when they are low on power, they get supposedly tired-]

[Wholesome warning lol]

[It was a Sunday, a day where the animatronics have a day off. The clock struck to 12:00AM.]

Mari got in her box and lied down inside. Inside her box had a cushion, blankets, and a couple of pillows, she may be an animatronic, but she still feels human. A faint but soft sounds from a music box starts playing. Mari grabs the GoldenFreddy plushie she was given to and begins to cuddle with it. She was just about to sleep until she heard a gentle knock.

"Hmm? Who is it?" Mari sticks her head out of the box.

"Mari, can I lay by you..? I had a nightmare again.." GoldenFreddy asks shyly, sniffling.

"Aww of course Goldie, you can lay right beside me." Mari smiles a little, gently patting on the cushion right beside her.

"Thanks Mari,," GoldenFreddy gets in the music box and lays by Mari.

Mari smiles, "Need a hug?"


They began to hug, which slowly turns into cuddling. Mari gently pets GoldenFreddy on his head. GoldenFreddy blushes a little as Mari comforts him. As what feels like the music has been playing for hours, they both began to fall asleep.

Mari wakes up in a world where she is surrounded by soft clouds. She can still hear the music playing, but it's more quieter. She looks around for GoldenFreddy, calling for his name. Suddenly she can hear a faint but audible sound of someone crying. She heads towards the sound, looking for the source. To Mari's surprise, it was GoldenFreddy crying, ink was dripping from his eye sockets. Mari heads to GoldenFreddy.

"Goldie? What's the matter?" Mari asks in concern.

"I can't stop thinking about those two days.. the poor kids...Mari...I can't... I keep hearing their voices...the bite..and her.. I don't want to suffer like this anymore..." GoldenFreddy sniffles.

"Goldie..." Mari comes closer and hugs GoldenFreddy in comfort.

GoldenFreddy slowly calms down and stops crying, he hesitates for a bit but surely he hugs Mari back.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that. I really am Goldie, but please hear me out. No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you..." Mari says reassuringly.

"I- Thanks Mari.." GoldenFreddy nuzzles his head onto her shoulder.

Mari wakes up from the dream and looks at the sleeping GoldenFreddy, who was formerly crying but now smiling a little. Mari decides to sing a little lullaby to GoldenFreddy.


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