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Edited: Aug 5, 2023

Ingrid was abruptly awoken by her older sister's piercing yell. 

Groggily rubbing her eyes, she grumbled, "Ugh... can't you wake me up without yelling so damn loudly?" Clearly still half-asleep, Ingrid's irritation was evident in her voice. 

However, her sister was undeterred by her complaints. "No," she retorted firmly, "If I did that, you'd just ignore me. Now get dressed quickly and then come downstairs. I have something important to tell you." With a determined expression, she turned and exited the room, leaving Ingrid to reluctantly start her day.

"If I did that, you'd..." Ingrid mocked grumpily, "Just go fuck yourself, idiot!" 

Ingrid carefully selected her outfit for the day, wanting to convey her unique style and attitude. The shirt, black with a picture of the human ribcage, added edginess to her overall look. To complete her ensemble, Ingrid opted for a pair of black cargo pants, matching the color scheme perfectly. Once she was satisfied with her clothing choice, Ingrid stood in front of the closet door mirror. Her reflection revealed messy black curls that needed attention. 

With a brush in her hand,she gently worked through her long curls, taming them to some extent. Although her curls were wild, she created a semi-tame hairstyle that perfectly matched her personality. With her appearance now in order, Ingrid reached for her rock-style boots. Boots were her favorite footwear, and she loved how they added rebelliousness to her overall look. Ingrid slipped them on, ensuring they were securely fastened before going downstairs to meet her sister.

Ingrid's sister was waiting for her in the living room, and as she descended the stairs, her unique style and confident demeanor caught her sister's attention. 

~pic above~

When Ingrid descended the stairs, she was greeted by the sight of her sister occupying the living room alongside Tammy and Anthony, her niece and nephew respectively. The children appeared to be brimming with enthusiasm, causing Ingrid to regard her sister with a skeptical expression as she settled down next to Tammy, facing her sister. 

Her curiosity piqued, Ingrid inquired of the children, "What has sparked all this excitement?"

"Mommy finally said we could go to Sweden to see the last surviving Viking village!" Both children yelled excitedly. 

Ingrid expressed her happiness, grateful that their mother would finally take them somewhere they had always wanted to visit. They nodded in agreement, their faces beaming with joy. Sweden, with its rich Viking history, had always fascinated them. They nodded with huge smiles on their faces. 

'There's some sort of catch or something... I can feel it!' Ingrid thought as she looked into the eyes of her sister, who was frowning. 'Oh, there is...' 

"That's not entirely true... I said you can go IF your aunt flies there with you." She said, correcting her children, who looked disappointed.

The relationship between Ingrid and her sister was strained, to say the least. The children had come to understand that when their mother said 'aunt', it meant she wouldn't be joining them. This realization left them disappointed and wondering why their own mother wasn't accompanying them.

"Why me? They're your children, shouldn't you be with them?" Ingrid asked, her irritation evident in her voice. She couldn't understand why her sister consciously chose not to travel with her own children.

 "Are you saying you'd disappoint them by not coming?" Her sister asked, avoiding the question. 

Ingrid rolled her eyes. Then she looked at her niece and nephew's pleading faces. "Of course not, but I'm not their mother. All I'm saying is maybe they'd like to spend time with their mother for once instead of their aunt." Ingrid said glaring at her.

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