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Ingrid's interest was piqued by what she heard, but her thoughts were clouded by the manipulation done to her in her world by her sister. She couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that something was amiss. Deep down, she sensed that he had ulterior motives, that he was trying to manipulate her in some way. Unable to ignore her instincts any longer, she finally voiced her concerns.

"I don't get it. What's the catch?" she asked, her eyes scrutinizing him with skepticism. 

His response was unexpected as he burst into hysterical laughter. "There is no catch, really. Other than that, you keep returning... and I get to spend time with you." 

At first, she looked confused. After a while, she laughed."You're so weird," shesaid. 

"What's so weird about that?" He asked. 

She didn't answer him. Instead, she said, "Look, it's getting dark, so why don't I ask my question first, and then we can go to Ragnar's farm."

"Fine, fine. Always so blunt and straight to the point. What is your question?" Floki laughed. 

"I guess the thing I'm most concerned about is... Why does she... uh... I hate Rolo so much? Other than the obvious." Ingrid said with a sigh. 

Floki sighed heavily.  

"I guess the reason she... uh, you would hate him so much. Would be because of how many times he had abused you, used you, beat you, forced himself on you, manipulated you, attempted to kill you, and made your... uh her, life so unbearable to live she tried to end it multiple times." He spoke rage filling his eyes and voice as he remembered every time, she came to him crying about something Rollo had done but refused to let him kill the bastard. 

~Time skip~ 

Upon their arrival at Ragnar's farm, Floki took a moment to speak with Ingrid. He expressed to her that she was always welcome to visit him whenever she needed someone to talk to. In response, Ingrid flashed a grateful smile and thanked him sincerely for his kind offer. She appreciated his understanding and empathy, and the two shared a moment of understanding before Ingrid continued on her way. Floki watched her go, a satisfied smile on his face.

~A week later~ 

Ragnar, Rollo, and Ingrid embarked on their much-anticipated voyage, returning to Foki's boatyard to test the new boat he had meticulously built for them. As they set foot on the vessel, Ingrid couldn't help but notice the growing unease in Floki's demeanor. It seemed that the more Ragnar and Rollo rowed, the more nervous Floki became.

In an attempt to divert Floki's doubts, Ragnar called out, "Set the sail!" Hoping to distract Floki from his apprehension, Ragnar urged him and Ingrid to focus on the task at hand. 

As Ingrid rose to her feet, ready to assist with the sail, she confronted Floki's wavering confidence head-on.

"She'll sink," Floki muttered, his voice uncertain. 

Ingrid stood firm, refusing to let Floki's doubts dampen their excitement. With a resolute tone, she replied, "No, she won't, if you help me with the sails!" her determination radiating through her words. 

"I shouldn't have pretended to build such a boat. It's beyond my humble capabilities," Floki said doubting his boat-building skills looking as though he hadn't heard Ingrid. 

Ragnar, feeling frustrated, uttered, "Fine! I'll help her set the sails!" He threw his oars to the floor of the boat, clearly annoyed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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