Past Memories

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She was known as a psychedelic acid rocker, and was the lead singer of a band called 'Big Brother' and 'Holding Company'. She was also a solo artist in the 1960s. She became a popular act at music festivals and was recognized for her "eclectic style" performances even being cited as "The Queen of Psychedelic Soul." In October of 1970, she'd been discovered on the floor of a Hollywood motel. She died at 27 from an overdose. 

Ingrid's footsteps echoed through the dense forest as she walked past a series of lifeless trees, each with similar stories and tragedies written on them, before reaching the last one at the edge of a cliff that made her voice echo. 

~With Ragnar and Floki~ 

While Ingrid immersed herself in the process of rediscovering her past lives, Floki took the opportunity to inspect Bjorn's face. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Floki leaned in closer to get a better look at the boy's features. 

"Let me see," he said, studying Bjorn intently. 

As his eyes roamed over Bjorn's face, a playful smirk formed on Floki's lips. "You have your father's eyes," he remarked, his tone filled with amusement. However, he couldn't resist adding a teasing twist to his comment. "Unfortunately," he added, emphasizing the word with a playful emphasis. 

Ragnar, who was standing nearby, heard the exchange. "Why, unfortunately?" He asked, leaning on a walking stick with a smile on his face. 

Floki turned his head to face Ragnar and answered, "It means he'll be like you, and therefore he'll want to do better than you, and you will hate him for it." Floki giggled as he skillfully avoided being hit by Ragnar's swinging stick.

Bjorn stared at Floki in confusion as he asked, "How can you tell that, by just looking at my face?" 

Floki, meeting his gaze, explained,"Oh, it's the same with the trees. I can tell which trees will make the most valuable planks just by looking at them... I can see inside the tree." 

Bjorn couldn't help but think Floki had gone mad, questioning his sanity. The notion of seeing inside a tree based solely on its external appearance seemed impossible.

"Floki's a boat-builder..." Ragnar smiled. "Among other things." Floki laughs. 

Bjorn asked Floki, "When is Ingrid returning?" 

In response, Floki explained, "We will begin looking for her when we hear her. She's trying to remember who she is and was." 

As they walked down towards the bank where Floki's house stood, Ragnar inquired about Floki's progress with his boat.

~With Ingrid~ 


The last tree read; Ingrid, The original. 

I'm not sure why I can travel between worlds. It's a mysterious ability that I have yet to fully understand. However, for the reborn me, there are a few things you need to know about me and the people that mean something to me. First things first, I was adopted into Rollo and Ragnar's family by their father when Ragnar was eight, I was four, and Rollo was nine. 

Ragnar, a warm and welcoming individual, embraced me into his family without hesitation. His open arms and genuine kindness made me feel instantly at home. In my darkest moments, he was there to extend a helping hand, preventing me from succumbing to the overwhelming desire to end my own life. His unwavering support and compassion saved me not once, but on multiple occasions.As time went on, Ragnar's role in my life extended beyond a mere savior. 

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