The Great Hall

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Edited: Aug 6, 2023

Moving on, they stumbled upon a stall dedicated to jewelry. Shimmering gold and silver pieces were carefully arranged, catching the sunlight and sparkling enticingly. Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings adorned with precious gemstones were on display, tempting passersby with their beauty and craftsmanship.

The next stall they encountered sparked a mix of curiosity and unease. It showcased an assortment of weapons, ranging from sturdy swords and lethal axes to finely crafted arrows and shields. The air carried a metallic tang, and the weapons gleamed ominously under the sunlight. Ingrid couldn't help but wonder about the stories behind these instruments of war.

As they continued their exploration, the sight of a livestock stall caught their attention. Here, animals of various kinds were gathered, their presence adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the village. Goats bleated, chickens clucked, and horses neighed, creating a symphony of sounds. Ingrid observed the animals, appreciating their vitality and the role they played in the daily lives of the villagers.

The final stall they passed by left Ingrid with a sense of unease and a heavy heart. It was a place where human lives were bought and sold. Slaves, both men and women, stood in confinement, their expressions a mix of resignation and desperation. Ingrid couldn't help but feel a surge of anger at the sight, questioning the morality of such a practice.

Ingrid was deeply disturbed by the previous encounter, where she witnessed the deplorable act of buying and selling individuals for forced labor or any other purposes. The notion of such exploitation was deeply unsettling to her. As they continued their journey and walked along a bustling street, Ingrid couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled within her.

To ease her anxieties, Ingrid instinctively placed her hand on the small axe hanging from her belt. It was a gift from Lagertha, who gave it to her for protection. 

When they turned a corner, a large man ran past her and grabbed Bjorn. 

Acting on instinct alone, she quickly pulled the axe from its position and held it to the man's throat. "Put him down," Ingrid warned in a deadly tone. 

The man, however, looked unfazed and smiled at her. "Always so serious, my dear sister," he laughed before putting Bjorn down.

"Sister?" Ingrid said in confusion as she gently removed her axe from his throat. 


Ragnar, bursting with urgency, interrupted the individuals in front of him with a sense of relief. "Ah! Yes, just the person I was looking for!" he exclaimed. Realizing the need for privacy, he suggested finding a more secluded location to explain the situation. 

Luckily for them, the man didn't live too far from where they were, and the four of them walked inside. The tension in the air was palpable as the man demanded angrily, "What's wrong with her Ragnar?!"

Ragnar took a deep breath, trying to maintain a calm demeanor in the face of the man's anger. "Firstly, so she doesn't try to kill you again," he explained, his voice steady and measured. "Ingrid, this is our older brother. Rollo."

Ingrid gazed at the man she had once threatened with her axe. With a mix of curiosity and caution, she spoke, "Oh, so this is Rollo." Ragnar nodded in affirmation, shifting his attention to Rollo, who was growing visibly impatient. 

"When she finally woke up after our last raid... she'd forgotten everyone she had ever met."  Ragnar looked dead serious. 

"How is that possible?" Rollo asked, crossing his arms over his chest with a confused look on his face. 

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