Chapter 2

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     It was two am when Eric arrived home. Kyle had been asleep for a few hours, he didn't know what Cartman had been doing. He didn't know that after work he went over to Butters's house for a late-night booty call, he didn't know that he and Butters had been fucking for almost two months now, Kyle didn't know that every Friday night they would see each other when Eric told Kyle he was going out for drinks with his coworkers.

     Eric took off his suit jacket and walked into their house, wiping his shoes on the mat before placing them aside. He went into the kitchen to see what he would make himself before he read the note "hey I made some spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner, it's in the fridge for when you get home." Cartman sighed when he read the note and opened the fridge viewing the leftovers. He felt guilty, of course, he felt guilty, this was his fault. He's the one who's been sleeping in another man's bed, he's the one who stopped planning date nights, he's the one who came home at two am on a Wednesday.

     Sleeping with Butters wasn't great in the slightest. He pretends not to hear when Butters accidentally slips up and moans "Kenny" into his ear. He knows Butters does the same with Eric from time to time when he slips up with Kyle's name. It's not that Cartman no longer found Kyle attractive, or that he no longer wanted him. But with work, the fact that he knows Kyle wants children, and the multitude of secrets he feels too embarrassed to talk to Kyle about.. their marriage just hasn't been the same. Maybe if Eric would stop ignoring Kyle and face what was happening to the two of them head-on things would be different, better even, but Eric Cartman wasn't one for facing emotions. He was used to things working themselves out eventually with little repercussions. And yeah, maybe he's partly to blame, he shouldn't jump into the arms of someone else when things are strained but It's too late.

     He ate his spaghetti in silence and tried not to think about the repercussions of his actions. After a shower and a 'this is the last time you will fuck Butters when you get tipsy' scolding to himself he headed to bed.

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