Chapter 4

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Stan marsh woke up early morning as usual for his morning jog around Washington Park, the cold late autumn air beginning to nip at him as he ran. Stanley lived a good life, at 28 years old he owned his own house, made director at his TV sports tech job, maintained a healthy lifestyle, kept up with his college loans, and traveled often, he had well surpassed his parent's expectations of him, he no longer was the son of the crazed Tegrity Farms owner Randy Marsh. He made a name for himself, he cut his ties with people who could no longer maintain a positive impact in his life, he was happy, proud. Stan had a new life, a good life, his coworkers loved him, his boss treated him like he was a savior, his new friends were always there when he needed them. No one would plot behind his back, or make fun of his interests, things were great.

And yet, something felt missing, he used to think that it was just childhood nostalgia, maybe a bit of grief for his relationship with his once on-again-off-again girlfriend Wendy Testaburger, but that was proven false every time he had attempted mending their relationship. It was fine though, he was single, he was able to be free with his wants. And with his newfound athletic physique, it definitely worked. Stan no longer had time for relationships, he fucked who he wanted to fuck but it never had strings attached, It was never complicated.

But even with all he had, he wasn't sure what possessed him to follow his old best friend years after their falling out. Maybe he was just curious about what everyone from his old life made of themselves, yeah, that was probably it.

It was nearing 6 am, and he was still running with his earbuds in, lost in thought. He should've been getting ready for work by now, his supervisor wanted to meet with him to discuss a possible promotion opportunity, if Stan arrived late there was almost no way in hell he'd actually get it.


"We want to transfer you to South Park for about three months so you can do a bit of NCAA scouting, I know it's not in your job description but I owe to one of the coaches of the Buffaloes a favor and you're my best man. When you get back I'd have been moved up to Cali to direct for the Lakers that means that you'll have my job, with my recommendation of course. So if you get this done the position's all yours."

"The position's all yours"

"South Park"

Those words rang through the raven-haired man's head as he thanked his boss and exited the office, his supervisor said he could take the day off to think about it and get back to him. Stanley was ever so grateful for that, he didn't think he could work with that information occupying his train of thought.

"I'm going back," Stan whispered to himself in disbelief as he shut his car door and drove home, he really needed a beer right about now.

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