Chapter 5

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Kyle woke up late. "Damn It!" he whispered to himself as he hurriedly put his suit on and rushed to the firm. He didn't have time to leave breakfast for Eric, he knew that his husband would most likely be upset by this but he didn't have the time to care either.

He barely made it on time to clock in, if he hadn't spent all night stalking his somewhat ex- somewhat old best friend, he probably wouldn't be as exhausted as he is now. He couldn't bring himself to regret it though, as much as he would hate to admit, he missed Stan. But honestly, who wouldn't? Sure, he was emotional and impulsive and kinda an asshole, but he only ever wanted what was best for everyone. Making others happy was his happiness, as much as a dick the guy was, he was a really great friend.


Kyle was on his lunch break, an excruciatingly uneventful day at the firm, every time someone would enter his office it was to get an opinion on propositions for the expansion or meeting dates with other branches. He wanted to look his assistant in the eyes and tell him to stop accepting calls and simply tell everyone to email if it's important, otherwise, leave him the hell alone, but he didn't, he didn't want to risk pissing off officials just after he had been promoted to mid-level Associate. If he was going to make Partner then he had to keep his mouth shut and play nice while the firm was transitioning from mid-law to big-law.

Sandwich midway into his mouth, only a couple of centimeters from being bitten into Kyles phone buzzing startles him and he places his lunch to the side to check his phone.


The redheaded jew feels his heart skip a beat as he checks his notifications but he immediately shuts down the feeling 'get ahold of yourself Kyle you're married' he tells himself as he opens his phone. It was a message, a message from Stan. Stanley Marsh, the same stan he spent all night stalking.

Stanmarsh612: Hey, long time no see? Uhh I know it's weird DMing you all of a sudden after so many years of not talking, but look, I'm coming back into town for a little while to do some work stuff and thought I'd might as well since you and the guys are the only people I was really ever close to growing up. I already talked to Kenny he thinks it would be nice to "get the gang back together" and hit the bar or something, if you're down let me know.

KyleCB: Oh, um sure I'd be up for that, I'll have to check my schedule so we can set a date but that sounds great. It's good to hear from you again dude, we missed you.

Kyle quickly omits the "I missed you" in favor of "we", he already felt weird enough without knowing that Stan was apparently moving back, he really didn't want to complicate anything in his life further than they already had been.

Stanmarsh612: I missed you guys too, I'll be in town by next Thursday, I'm going to be staying at those apartment complexes near where Kenny used to live. My parents don't know I'm coming to town yet though so uh, I'd kinda like to keep it that way, At least for now.

KyleCB: Oh yeah, of course, my lips are sealed

KyleCB: Hey, It was great talking to you again and I'm really looking forward to catching up but I'm on my lunch break and I need to be back to the office in five minutes

Stanmarsh612: Oh yeah sure man, I don't wanna make you late. See ya soon.

The redhead slowly retreated back to his office, half-eaten sandwich in hand, contemplating his decisions in life. Why would he agree? What possessed him to dive into something he already knew would only complicate his ALREADY COMPLICATED ENOUGH life? He knew Eric hated the man, he knew that hanging around Stan would only stir up emotions he pushed down years ago, but part of him longed for the closeness of his childhood friendships.

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